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  • Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for your question.

    This could be possible with this Premium Extension for TablePress:
    However, using that is a little bit more complicated than for other extensions. First, install and activate it like a regular WordPress plugin. Then, you’ll need to modify the PHP file of the Extension. In line 22, the array needs to be filled with the slugs of all pages that you want to use this function on. The “slug” is the last part of the URL of a page.

    I’m not sure though whether this will work with the ColumnFilterWidgets as well, as it was designed with the regular search field in mind. As those however use the same internal API, chances are high that it works.


    Thank you so much Tobias, that is very helpful!

    I installed this extension and the content is hidden now, then I changed

    $( '.dataTables_filter' ).find( 'input' ).on( 'keyup', function() {
    	$( '.dataTables_wrapper' ).find( '.tablepress' ).toggle( '' != $(this).val() );
    } ).keyup();


    $( '.dataTables_filter' ).find( 'input' ).on( 'keyup', function(e) {
    	if( 13 == e.keyCode ) {
    		$( '.dataTables_wrapper' ).find( '.tablepress' ).toggle( '' != $(this).val() );
    } ).keyup();

    and updated the php file, but the search result still comes out without pressing ‘Enter’ key.

    I am using Chrome, and I tried IE 9 as well, that Enter-key function doesn’t work.

    I have another question, I know you are very busy but I will very appreciate if you can help: how to remove ‘Showing x to x of xx entries (filtered from xxx total entries)’, or just in which file I can find them.

    Thank you for your hard work, this is a brilliant plug-in. I didn’t know there are quite a few extensions, I will explore them later on.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    (just as a cross-reference, you are refering to right?)

    Can you please post a link to the page with the table where this problem happens, so that I can take a direct look? Thanks!

    Regarding that “Showing xx entries”: Just uncheck the “Info” checkbox in the “Features of the DataTables JS library” section on the “Edit” screen of the table.


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