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  • Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    Have you checked the your server’s error_log files to see if there might be a clue as to why you see the white screen?

    You can view your server logs by going to “Filesystem Security” menu and then clicking the “Host System Logs” tab.

    Thread Starter brandonferens


    I am getting the message “No system logs were found!”

    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    Just after you activate that feature and the white screen occurs, ftp to your site and grab the modified wp-config.php file.
    Then examine this file to see if you can spot any obvious syntax error.

    Look also especially at the line containing “DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT” and before/after this line.



    We have exactly the same problem.
    And this is what we got

    /** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
    require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);//Disable File Edits
    define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, false);

    But it does not work even if we delete these setting.

    Any idea??
    Thank you.

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