I know this is a bit late and not sure if you ever figured it out, but I was looking how to do this today and figured I would post an answer for future reference… source: https://themehybrid.com/weblog/introducing-unique-theme where it is vaguely described/mentioned.
What you do is make a new page (I just called mine “Home”), then select “Magazine” under Template and save. Then, you go to Appearance > Customize and change your front page to static and under select that page you created with the Magazine template and set it as your homepage. To get posts in the actual slider you then create a post or edit an old one, and under the publish section, click “edit” right next to Public and check “Stick this post to the front page.” What that does is make your post a Sticky Post and that is how you control the slider’s content.
Hope that helps someone!