• Resolved RobotHero


    The plugin includes style for the form. Is there a way I can disable that and use my own style?

    I made a .css file but the form itself includes a big style block after the header and before the inputs. It starts like this:

    	.widget_mailchimpsf_widget .widget-title {
    		line-height: 1.4em;
    		margin-bottom: 0.75em;
    	#mc_subheader {
    		line-height: 1.25em;
    		margin-bottom: 18px;

    So there’s a bunch of stuff like the width of the submit button and stuff that I need to override to get it to look properly again and it would be easiest if I could just turn this off.

    I checked the settings I didn’t see anything that turns it off. I tried with “Custom Styling” enabled and not enabled, but it didn’t make a difference.


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  • rightmost


    Hi RobotHero, I had the same issue and I ended up editing the Mailchimp plugin files to remove the css completely. Here’s what I did…

    In mailchimp.php comment out the following 2 lines:

    LINE 108
    wp_enqueue_style('mailchimpSF_main_css', home_url('?mcsf_action=main_css&ver='.MCSF_VER));

    LINE 109
    wp_enqueue_style('mailchimpSF_ie_css', MCSF_URL.'css/ie.css');

    In mailchimp_plugin.php comment out everything between the <style></style> tags (LINES 44 to 117).



    Hey hey,

    Thanks rightmost. You’re absolutely right. That particular block of style code will have to be commented of if you wish to fully disable it. The above steps should work, though I’ll clarify that they’ll be in the mailchimp_widget.php file. Let us know if you have any questions! Thanks for helping out rightmost!



    +1 to have it removed. The plugin has an option to custom style it. Let’s make sure that gets respected. Altering the code just breaks updates. Inline styling is bad, mkay.

    +1 from me to have it removed as well, or at least moved to an enqueued stylesheet instead of the inline style block in the widget. If it’s in the stylesheet that can be overridden with a later stylesheet. I had some custom styling in my stylesheet which got overridden by the inline stuff.

    Thread Starter RobotHero


    Well, in the meantime, I’ve removed it and set the plugin to version 100.9 so it doesn’t get updated. I’ll keep an eye out if it’s removed in later versions I can change the plugin.

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