• Relevant Link: https://www.bigideaadv.com/big_idea_v2/#blog

    I’ve poked around online about WordPress’ image uploading and thumbnail creation. I noticed that jpeg quality is not set to 100% by default so I installed a small plugin that fixes that. BUT… it didn’t seem to create a noticeable effect on the quality of my images after re-uploading them.

    Is there something that I could be doing here? Is it the type of images that just don’t look good scaled down? Is it a shortcoming of WordPress?

    If anyone has any thoughts or answers, please feel free to chime in. Thanks.

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  • Anas


    I am using Chrome v3.
    The images does not looks “pixelated” on my browser,
    Also the quality is fine.

    what the name of plugin? and how are you inserting the image? via media uploader? and in full or actual size?
    put this code in functions.php file to bump up WP compression quality to 100:
    add_filter('jpeg_quality', function($arg){return 100;});

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