• I am getting a “connection lost” while editing wordpress… but no internet connection is lost… only when trying to work on my wordpress sites.

    I cleared my cache (again), had my hosting company check my ip, and other things thru my hosting, and have no idea why this is happening.

    Unfortunately, I’m thinking it is a bug with the new release, and I’ve updated all my sites.

    Can I locate the previous version of WP and roll it back?
    Is there any other reports of this same issue?


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  • I’m afraid that this is completely specific to your sites. Have you spoken to your hosts about it?

    In reply to the answer above, that’s not strictly true.

    This problem originated with the introduction of the autosave “feature” and is a commonly reported problem. It is indeed a WordPress problem, that triggers multiple requests to host servers, that their software rejects.

    Report this as a host problem, I guarantee they will tell you it’s a WordPress problem and indeed, they’re right.

    The vast majority of users reporting this very same issue, are either forced to roll back to 3.5 or sadly, await either a working autosave “feature” that doesn’t cause this issue, or the option to turn it off.

    I run a site publishing 40-50 articles per day. When the problem first appeared with 3.6 we went through the process of stripping away all the plugins we use and testing thoroughly. The problem was still there. We’ve done the same with each new update and guess what… The problem is STILL there.

    We love WordPress, but the sooner this problem is acknowledged for what it is and it’s either fixed or the autosave function is made an “optional feature” we can switch on/off, there’ll be countless more threads like this one, every day, going around in circles.

    Apologies for the rant, but when I’m working 16 hours on a very busy site, losing as much as 15 minute per hour because of the “lost connection” problem, it gets more than tiresome…

    @heathgcf – if you need help, please start your own thread per:


    that’s not strictly true.

    WordPress 3.7.1 has been downloaded over 6.8 million times. How many topic/users do you see with this problem? 20? 50? What’s that as a percentage of the total user base (it’s late & my maths is lousy when I’m tired)? I’d guess it’s a few digits to the right of the decimal point. Low enough to pretty much confirm that this is a site/user/server specific issue.

    I’m sorry, but that’s a poor and blasé response at best. Let’s turn that around shall we?

    Out of over 6.8 million downloads, what percentage of those people have registered with and use the forums?

    See my point? It’s a problem, no matter how theoretically small it might seem to you, that sufficiently enough people have bothered to raise. Granted, there’s a good chance that a huge majority of users who work on their sites for one or two posts, or short periods of time, aren’t ever likely to encounter this problem, even though it’s there.

    Those who are spending most time working on their sites, posting larger volumes of content, seem to be those noticing it most. I guess it’s like anything though. Stare at something long enough, you’ll find some problem or another.

    The issue still remains and as yet, the best answer I have found to the problem at hand, has been to roll back to 3.5 and *puff* the problem goes. Doesn’t that strike anyone as being somewhat coincidental?

    Unfortunately, if there’s no actual solution to a problem that is genuinely there since 3.6 (no matter what percentages you want to throw around), pointing people in the direction of additional ways to waste hours of their lives on a wild goose chase, isn’t the most helpful.

    My humble recommendation to ctabor, is therefore the following link, where 3.5 can be downloaded to roll back to…

    https://www.ads-software.com/download/release-archive/ (for all release versions)

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    That’s not a solution, please don’t recommend doing that. Downgrading can cause a much more serious problem; you can get hacked.

    See my point?

    No. People register to review plugins, ask for new features and a thousand other reasons. As forum regulars, we are pretty well placed to notice any trend in potential core issues and there were none noted of this type as a result of the recent WordPress update.

    [Content removed by poster]

    @mrcrow85: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    I am also having this problem, I’m using wp with woocommerce and I can edit my products with no problem but when I get to editing posts the connection lost error appears, but the post is updated anyway.

    @joaofaustino – you too, need to start your own thread, please.

    @heathgcf Let me second you here since everybody else seems not to have the same problem. I am very new to WP, and still trying to figure things out. Noticing that the pages don’t load quickly, need to take actions on the that front too. When things get better in on front, that I got this issue of the current thread.
    Sometimes it’s easy to figure out where the drag is, sometimes it isn’t. When you start to remember the dial up connection back in 1988 (and the waiting time), you’ve got a problem… If you are 50 around millions, now we are 51.


    I will third your response. It’s definitely a WordPress problem and most likely to be experienced by those of us who spend several hours writing and posting each day.

    I updated to a new version of wordpress recently and have had nothing but problems. Although it’s nice to know I’m not the only one, it’s not nice to know that I can’t do much to fix the problem.

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