• Hi,
    I had a blog on wordpress.com which is now self hosted and I have shifted all my data to my self hosted blog successfully but when people search any term on search engines, they still land on my old blog and comments on it. If I delete my old site, will the problem be solved. Do answer me please..

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  • I don’t know if WP.com gives you the ability to redirect pages or not, but if it does that’s going to be your best bet. Once the search engines start getting redirected they will update with your new site

    EDIT: looks like this is what you want: https://en.support.wordpress.com/site-redirect/

    It looks like it costs $13/year so it’s up to you if you want to pay that. A year is way more than enough time for the search engines to update the links to your new site.

    Thread Starter Arzoo12


    I don’t want to spend on this thing for the redirect purchase.

    Then I don’t know that there’s anything you can do. If you delete your wp.com site the search engines will just get 404 errors and your readers will be staring at “page not found” and will not find your new blog. The search engines will eventually drop your links. Then it’s a matter of time for your new site to get indexed on its own.

    The only way that I think you are going to get your readers to find your new blog from a search engine is by buying the redirect. Otherwise, it’s a matter of time until your site gets indexed and you gain link rankings again.

    Thread Starter Arzoo12


    Ok, waiting for it to get indexed then, thanks for the help.

    No problem. I’m not sure what kind of blog you run, but if it’s something you make money off of (via ad clicks etc) it’s going to be worth paying the $13. It’s probably going to take a good amount of time for your new blog to get reindexed and actually show ranking in search engines.

    Readers who find your old blog through searches will also be left with a page not found error when you delete the old blog, and they are going to then go elsewhere.

    It’s up to you. Like I said I’m not sure what type of blog you run or what you use it for, but it’s something to consider. 1 year is more than enough time to get the search engines to switch to your site from the other site, and they will update their links according to the redirects. So it’s really going to be a 1-time $13 fee to move all the search engines over and have all the old links point to your new ones.

    Thread Starter Arzoo12


    I don’t earn anything, it’s a beauty blog and it’s just 3 months since I started my blog and one month I got my blog self hosted.

    Ok got it. You could always post a blog post on the old site saying you moved to yourdomain.com

    Thread Starter Arzoo12


    Yup, I did it and many are landing on my new one but still most searches are from there and people are commenting on it.

    If I delete my old site, will the problem be solved. Do answer me please..

    Ask the people at WordPress.COM the best way to handle this.

    Thread Starter Arzoo12


    How do I contact them?

    Try their forum –


    Thread Starter Arzoo12


    That’s what I tried and started a new topic on this one.

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