Thanks for the quick response. I’ve already placed some descriptive snippets in each of the templates I’m testing with and am certain that it is not using the default template. In fact, I just added the plugin to a fresh WP install, used a small set of data to get it set up and find that it is still misbehaving.
No matter what the template I call from the pdb_single shortcode (ex – [pdb_single template=test]) it repeats the first instead of showing the second.
Example Shortcode used on the Single Record page:
[pdb_single template=test2]
[pdb_single template=test1]
In both templates a bit of text is added to the h2 tag to let us know what the template is called.
Example of the HTML that those return:
<div class="entry-content">
<div class="wrap pdb-single ">
<div class="section" id="pdb-main">
<h2>Participant Info test two</h2>
<dl class="pdb-first_name text-line ">
<dt class="first_name ">First Name</dt>
<dd class="first_name ">Eddie</dd>
<dl class="pdb-last_name text-line ">
<dt class="last_name ">Last Name</dt>
<dd class="last_name ">Doboos</dd>
<dl class="pdb-phone text-line ">
<dt class="phone ">Phone</dt>
<dd class="phone ">(458) 867-5309</dd>
<div class="wrap pdb-single ">
<div class="section" id="pdb-main">
<h2>Participant Info test two</h2>
<dl class="pdb-first_name text-line ">
<dt class="first_name ">First Name</dt>
<dd class="first_name ">Eddie</dd>
<dl class="pdb-last_name text-line ">
<dt class="last_name ">Last Name</dt>
<dd class="last_name ">Doboos</dd>
<dl class="pdb-phone text-line ">
<dt class="phone ">Phone</dt>
<dd class="phone ">(458) 867-5309</dd>
<!-- .entry-content -->
Could it be a problem with WP 3.7.1 ?