In this release endomondo-wp shows only the “Last workout” and “Workout list” of a specific “Endomondo user ID” but into the next release endomondo-wp will show more infomation like “Team“, “Challenge” and “Events“!
Unfortunatly Endomondo’s team doesn’t produce a full official methods to extract the data and I can show only the information allowed from them with their (very simply and monolitic) views.
Anyway, endomondo-wp can manage multiple “endomondo user id” for page!
You can produce a page/post/theme with all preferred view of any “endomondo user id”.
If you know one or more “endomondo user id” you can show in a page/post/theme the workouts in relation to endomondo user id (and in according of privacy setting of endomondo user)
In a single page you can show more views of single “Endomondo user id” or more views of different “Endomondo user id”. You must only write multiple instances of shortcode, for example:
<h1>Last workout of user A</h1>
[endomondowp user=1234]
<h1>Last workout of me</h1>
[endomondowp user=5678]
<h1>Last workout of user B</h1>
[endomondowp user=9101]