• Just adding one more to the pile of people who want explicit post assignments; authors/writers/editors.

    Basically any user from any group would be assigned and be notified of the assignment explicitly.

    By explicit I mean that Assignments is a sub-section of the plugin and has it’s own widget on the post page. The idea is that an Assignments widget would make notifications less of a catch-all and an editor can see the people supposed to be working on a post and make any changes as needed. Notifications would be be more truly just for notifications and the assignments would enable a more direct communication with writers and editors. It also would answer the questions a busy writer might have when logging in to a site’s dashboard:

    • Am I assigned anything?
    • What are my assignments?
    • When are they due?

    This would be huge for my current client and I imagine huge for any groups working on a site where they don’t share a physical office.

    Thanks for a great plugin and for all the hard work everybody has done to make this so powerful and helpful. Major life change for my clients, who can’t stop raving about the usefulness of this plugin.


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  • Interesting. Like the idea, have to think on it a bit more. One possible avenue if this is something you need like next week would be to leverage one of the custom meta fields and build a widget on top of that.

    Maybe you have a meta field called ‘Assigned’, and then you could build a dead simple widget on the admin page which queried posts based on that custom meta. WP_Query provides some capacity for doing this and you can check it out here. All you’d have to do is get the logged in user and query all posts with that meta field (‘assigned’) and see if the logged in user is the value of that field. For an editor, maybe you just get the five most recent posts with that metadata and display it in the widget.

    Just a thought. I haven’t tested or written anything at all but figured I’d lob out a possible avenue of approach if you need to get rolling on this asap. If you do get around to building it before we flesh it out a bit, feel free to submit a pull request for it! Would definitely like to see it in action.

    This functionality is available in Betaout.com. It has a paid plan for more than 2 users but works differently than Edit flow. All the work is done on a different interface, and Betaout only pushes to wordpress for publishing. Do check it out.

    Disclaimer: I work with Betaout.com.


    is there any chance of getting Edit Flow to have a feature like this! It would be amazing


    The ability for a pitch to go up and writers to CLAIM that article to write…

    I agree!
    We love Edit Flow, and a feature like this would help us scale our organization!



    I love this idea! This is the #1 request from my staff.

    In the meantime, we’re using the Pitch ability bi-directionally. Editors can create headlines/ story ideas, set the articles to Pitch, and wriers are notified of it. Then writers claim it by changing the status to Assigned. At that point the Editors are notified and they can work with the writer inside the new article itself.

    It’s a couple of extra steps/ clicks, but it’s completely doable for the time being.

    We’re also using Pitch in the more traditional sense of a writer pitching a story idea to an editor.

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