• Resolved sitchey


    I installed the plugin and have it set up to post on a facebook fan page i manage. However when I make a post it does auto post onto facebook even though the option is ticked on the post by default.

    However when I click to repost on facebook on the post it then does appear. I have tried to tick the option in advanced settings to ‘Repost ONLY previously unautoposted posts’ however that doesn’t work either.

    Anyone got any ideas on why I could try?



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  • Plugin Author NextScripts


    What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to post your already existing posts to Facebook or are you having problem with new posts?

    Thread Starter sitchey


    Im trying to make a post i create on our site auto load onto the facebook fan page as soon as you make the website page live. All the settings are setup for it to do that but it wont auto post the post onto facebook. I need to manually click repost this post after the website post has been created.

    The plugin has no issues sending updates onto facebook auto when someone posts a comment on the article or makes a comment in our forum. Any idea as to why the post arent auto posting?


    Plugin Author NextScripts


    Are you getting any errors?
    Please check your Log/History tab and let me know if you have any errors there.

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