• does there exist such a thing? so i can have my own page as products page which will give me opportunity for having the url named domain.com/webshop instead of product?
    -and is it possible to display products in a list instead of a grid?

    also, is there a shortcode for showing all categories?
    or is there a function in the plugin that can do that?
    – so that you can show categories in listed or grid view.


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  • Plugin Author Inigo Gonzalez



    You can create a page, and add the default shortcode [tcp_list id=”all_products”]. Using menu TheCartPress Tools/Shortocodes you can create your owns shortcodes.

    TheCartPress has a page called Catalogue to display the “webshop”, so you could change the permalink of this page to “webshop”.

    About to display a list and not a grid, You can change the template, on shortcodes admin page you can change the “Loop” field.

    About categories, TheCartPress supports a template functiona a a shortcode called: “tcp_the_taxonomy_list”
    $defaults = array(
    ‘child_of’ => 0,
    ‘parent’ => ”,
    ‘orderby’ => ‘name’,
    ‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
    ‘hide_empty’=> 1,
    ‘taxonomy’ => TCP_PRODUCT_CATEGORY,
    This array is the argument for the function.

    Best regards

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