@thegg The Quick Cache plugin was recently split into two versions following a complete rewrite of the plugin. The free version of Quick Cache, available here on www.ads-software.com, doesn’t clear the Home Page cache automatically when publishing or editing a post–you need to manually click the “Clear Cache” button to clear the Home Page cache.
I disagree with the way this works and I can absolutely sympathize with your frustration. It was not my decision to move this feature out of the free version and I disagree with how this currently works in Quick Cache Lite.
Since I’m now the primary developer for Quick Cache, I’m going to add a TODO for myself to add an option to the free version that allows you to automatically clear the cache when publishing or updating a post, so that you don’t have to manually clear the cache each time.
I’ll prioritize this and you should see this feature added in an upcoming maintenance release. Please follow this issue on GitHub for further updates: https://github.com/WebSharks/Quick-Cache/issues/40