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  • Could you elaborate a bit more?
    WHat is the “html” folder?

    She means on a sub directory.. =) I just sent you an email k.. marketmou?

    I’m trying to take care of this, via the Install4free site, well…via email with her now.. was installing someone else’s at the moment before.. but, can’t access her FTP directory, because the login info isnt right.. =(


    If we take forum questions to email, future folks searching for answers on the same topic will not be able to learn…

    Ah, this is related to her install4free request? Ok, hushing.

    Haha, yeah.. it all started here:

    Then she dropped “us” a line over there.. I sent her an email, then she replied.. just having problems with the FTP info stuff sigh..

    “OK spencer, I didn’t realize you’ve been having so much trouble. I’ll try
    and find out right away. Thanks.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: spencer [mailto:spencerp1 [at] gmail [dot] com]
    Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 5:24 PM
    To: Marketmou Consultant
    Subject: Re: Hi Patricia, inregards to Install4free help request.”


    Sorry about that Handy..was trying to add it quick, but..wasn’t quick enough sigh.. Well, atleast ya noticed it then lol.. =P

    To Patricia’s general question though, as far as I know..installing WordPress on a sub directory *should* work.. I have soon to be 3 running on my domain. But! Sometimes certain hosts are iffy about it.. so, we’ll see then. =) ??


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