• Anyone know of an Amazon wishlist Plugin that works with WordPress? I’m running the latest version, 2.0.4, but I don’t know if that makes any difference or not?

    I tried this one
    couldn’t get it to work

    I next tried CG-Amazon, couldn’t get it to work either..

    finally, I tried this plugin as a last attempt at this..


    but I keep getting a Warning error message about invalid wishlist ID.

    according to the email I got from Amazon, my wishlist is here:


    so I am assuming that my ID is: 3O41QTMU0TJ87

    which is what I used..yet its saying its an invalid ID..

    I tried contacting the author, but he won’t respond to emails or comments on his site at all..

    so I am just wondering if anyone knows of an amazon wishlist plugin that works with wordpress 2.0?

    preferrably one that will fit on the right sidebar..


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  • CG-Amazon should work fine with WP2. Though, I’m certainly running newer code locally… I’m running with a wp2.0.4 upgraded install here, and your wishlist comes up fine in my sidebar, editing the default theme and adding something like:

    <?php show_wishlist_items('3O41QTMU0TJ87', 3); ?>

    What errors/issues did you run into with CG-Amazon? Maybe I can help you through them quickly.

    My next full release is still probably a month away, still trying to lock down features, and decide on new licensing. Well, and need to find cycles, as my day job is taking all my free time! ??


    Thread Starter bubazoo


    I don’t remember, its been so long since I used CG-Amazon, I might want to try that option again.

    Thread Starter bubazoo


    where can I get your newest version at? is it still at https://www.chait.net/index.php?p=147 ? I am a bit confused.

    Thread Starter bubazoo


    I mean, according to your site, it looks like the last update was back in 2004? and each link of your site takes me to a different version. I think I will wait for someone else to reply with another solution.

    thanks anyway

    weird. that should be your amazon wishlist code. i looked up your wishlist at amazon.com so its working. i am running the amazon wishlist at https://www.krugern.no without any problems.

    did you enter the code at the correct place?

    Thread Starter bubazoo


    yeah, my side bar says

    “Warning! An error occured while generating your Amazon Wishlist. Make sure that you have a provided a valid AmazonWishlistID”

    it shows that on the page



    i checked your site when i posted.

    your ID lines in amazon-wishlist.php in the wp-content/plugins/-folder should look like this:

    // Your amazon wishlist ID
    // This is the ID after the registry/
    // e.g. https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/EKZ7W1E8MXHB/
    // In this case your ID would be EKZ7W1E8MXHB
    // There may be other information after the last / in my example
    // that information doesn't matter, we just need the registry ID.

    $wishlistID = '3O41QTMU0TJ87';


    here is your amazon wishlist, on my website. i used your id. check your code again ??

    Thread Starter bubazoo



    is that my Amazon AWS Access Key ID? or my Amazon Associate Tag ID? maybe thats whats wrong, I’m confused about the two..

    I used

    myAmazonAWSAccessKeyId = ‘3O41QTMU0TJ87’;

    as my AWS Access key ID, is that right?

    I’m not talking about CG-Amazon, that one gave me errors all over the place and gave up on that one, I’m talking about the one from The Strong Cross…


    the only problem I’m having with this one is the AWS ID, I don’t know if it requires the associates ID too or what? So far its the closest I’ve gotten to getting one to work, CG-Amazon, and the other ones, I didn’t get this far with them..

    aha, i’m using the amazon wishlist plugin from https://www.lazyi.net/projects/amazon-wishlist/ :p

    it works like a charm

    Thread Starter bubazoo


    I couldn’t get that particular amazon wishlist plugin to work, because I was not able to get the wishlist.php template file to show up under “write” then “write page” under the page template drop down list.. wishlist wouldn’t show up in the list for the longest time.. THEN, when I finally figured out why (the template name was not at the beginning of the file) it kept giving me an error about not being able to display the wishlist..

    so I gave up on that one, and tried “the cross’s amazon wishlist plugin” instead, and got help from him over ICQ with it, which shows a “random entry” in the sidebar, which is real neat,

    except, I wanted to use lazyi’s plugin along with it, but had problems because of both plugins use duplicate functions exactally, its almost like the cross and lazyi used identical plugins or something but slightly different code (shrugs) so I gave up on it all and just put a link to amazon.com on my sidebar..

    this is what I did


    its the only thing I could think of to do.

    take care.

    I don’t know if you’re still struggling with this or not, but after exhausting all options and suggestions listed here and on other posts, I ran across this post on a blog with a link to a wishlist image list (a.k.a. “badge”) generator.

    Now I’m satisfied. ??

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