• I’ve tried searching google for some sort of answer, but it seems like mshtml.dll has been a problem in IE for a long time and does funky things sometimes.

    But just wondering if anyone else has come across this with WP? Basically after loading my page IE crashes, sometimes it’s only when I am scrolling with the scroll wheel(weird)

    Not sure what it is, I deactivated all my plug ins because I thought it was the gallery I had going, but still happens.

    Can anyone help me out here? https://www.apeofgod.com

    AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: mshtml.dll
    ModVer: 6.0.2900.2963 Offset: 00219dc0

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  • I remember this thread from before ??

    The only thing I’ve seen that will solve this is to download a security update from Mocrosoft. The reason you’re getting this error is because an old security update had a boo-boo in it. They’ve since released another update that will fix it.

    However, yes, your situation *is* weird. I’ve seen some other sites that call it an “exploit”, some that say the error is the result of having spyware on yout computer, other reasons.

    I *did* find this site, though – so maybe it’ll help?

    Update – Microsoft knowledge base says this about the error:

    “This error message can occur if the style sheet that specifies how Web pages are displayed in Internet Explorer is damaged, or contains an invalid command.”

    Have you tried reuploading your styesheet and validating it?

    Update again – I just tried to validate your stylesheet and there’s a HUGE error. Why does it think your site is XML?

    Thread Starter apeofgod


    Ah interesting doodle, agian a little noobish on this, but I was just modifying a theme, so maybe the XML stuff is from there?

    Ok I check out your validation link and it mentions the

    • ‘s
    • This is in my sidebar and how I got links into the “pages” catagory.

      like this

      <li class="pagelink">
      <ul class="pagelink">
      <li><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>/">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="https://www.apeofgod.com/wp-content/plugins/fgallery/fim_photos.php">Portfolio</a></li>
      <li><a href="https://apeofgod.com/wp-content/plugins/fgallery/fim_photos.php?album=past-work">Past Work</a></li>
      <li><a href="https://apeofgod.com/wp-content/plugins/fgallery/fim_photos.php?album=newer-work">Newer Work</a></li>
      <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    Thread Starter apeofgod


    Ok, looked into it more, I hit the validate thingy on the side bar and get this:


    I know it’s a big favor, but can someone explain a couple of these errors for me? It’s having problems with things like “>” and my knowledge doesn’t really extend past html and basic php, so I don’t know why it would have a problem with a “>” so many times.

    It seems it’s even having problems with my posts, so I really don’t think thats a big concern since they are just posts, but could this be why it’s crashing? But why would it have such a problem with me putting html in my posts.

    Very confused, thinking I may just get a different theme and start again.

    The easiest is with the <br> tags. In XHTML to make them valid – use <br />
    The problems are NOT with > – that’s just showing the beginning or the end of the tag where the error is.

    For the rest always click on the error line number and it will take you to the exact location in the source.

    Yes, a bad code can crash a browser…

    Also, in your above code, this is wrong:

    <li class="pagelink">
    <ul class="pagelink">

    It should be the other way around. UL’s are *always* before LI’s. That’s where the inital errors in your validation are comeing from. What moshu said about BR tags is also correct – you must self-close those elements exactly as he described.

    >>but I was just modifying a theme, so maybe the XML stuff is from there?<<

    That’s the hting, though – from what I can see, it’s not. Your CSS file – for some ungodly reason – is being served up weird. Your template is XHTML 1.0 Transitional – not XML. That’s why it’s confusing – I don’t know why the CSS would insist your page is XML when it’s not. I’m looking at your stylesheets and I’m not seeing anything odd in them at all.

    Aha – I’ve entered each stylesheet separately into the validator, and I’ve come up with some errors here and a LOT more of them here.

    Hopefully that gets you started!

    (And moshu – maybe someone should sticky this as a prime example of why validating your code is so important! LOL)

    UL’s are *always* before LI’s.

    <ul class="parent">
    <li class="child">
    <ul class="grandkid">
    <li class="p">thing1</li>
    <li class="p">thing2</li>

    Just for clarification, thats not *always* the case.

    Whats most important is that nested lists are done correctly. WordPress’ sidebar is a mess to edit for anyone not familiar with how the various functions add the before and after tags.

    >>Just for clarification, thats not *always* the case.<<

    Okay, maybe I should clarify myself a bit more – you can have nested UL’s/LI’s within LI tags – but if you only have *one* list, then yes, the UL is always before the LI. You can’t have it the other way around.

    i understood what you were trying to say, I just didnt want it taken for gospel in all cases.

    Thread Starter apeofgod


    Phew. Ok thanks everyone.

    I cleaned up the .Css’s(having a weird background problem right now, but will fix it as soon as I know I get this crashing fixed)

    but still having the crashing error, I reverted my Sidebar back to the themes default just to be sure it wasn’t the links I added… but again still crashing.

    Your page needs to validate as well. You have a few errors there, too.

    see it here

    Thread Starter apeofgod


    Hoo boy! I just wanted to post and thank everyone, I learned a lot with this and took a look at xhtml to understand it a bit better.

    Everything seems to be working, though the more edits I make it seems my .css don’t validate, but the site works and doesn’t crash, so not sure if I should be overly concerned about it, but I’ll still play with it more to get everything all nice and neat.

    Thanks everyone!

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