• If I am intersted in creating a two-column content blog in which two side-by-side blogs are simultaneously being adminstered on a daily basis, can WordPress do this in its current state?

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  • WordPress doesn’t much care how you layout your content. That’s all up to your theme.

    And yes, theme’s can certainly do that.

    Thread Starter torontosaguaro


    How would you do this though? Would you have to have to separate installations of WordPress on your server or something? I know that you can use a template to create several columns, but how do I make two of them be actual blogs?

    Read up on The_Loop for starters. Its where all the magic starts and happens. The rest is just layout.

    I could be confused by your use of “blogs”. I’m not sure if you’re talking about multiple installations of WordPress, or multiple Posts.

    Check out my blog at https://philandapryle.pmagistro.com/blog/

    Is that what you are looking for? It is actually a single blog that separates the authors into two different columns. A really fresh release is available at https://www.allyourssolutions.com/side-by-side/ Please let me know what you think and if you find any bugs!

    Alternately, if you want two completely distinct blogs, I think you would have to create a page with an iframe on either side that displays the blog. Not sure exactly how it would work…

    Good luck!


    1. if you have a theme to release – post ONCE in the Themes section, not in twenty threads!
    2. Don’t give advice about two blogs in iframe, if you are “under-informed” regarding this issue.
    3. Don’t put 1-2 MB pictures on a demo site, especially in a deceiving thumbnail size!
    4. Showing a snaposhot of the theme is expected to lead to a bigger image – not a download link.

    I am sorry if I offended anyone. There were twelve (not twenty) unresolved threads asking for a side-by-side blog theme that I referenced while I was developing the theme; I simply replied to those threads with a clean, simple, and free solution to their problem/question. It appears that my responses have been removed, and I am not sure why.

    If you would prefer that those questions go unanswered, I would be happy to remove my theme altogether….doesn’t matter to me. I developed it for my personal blog and thought that there were a number of people looking for something similar who may benefit from the work that I did.

    Regarding iframes – without trying to code the page myself I can’t be sure, but I thought that using an index page with two iframes that reference separate WordPress installations would possibly solve torontosaguaro’s problem, if my theme did not. I am a bit offended that you’ve singled out my advice as “under-informed”, given the reams of bad or useless advice I’ve read in other posts on the support forum.

    Finally, as this was the first theme I chose to release to the public, I was unaware of the “rules” you’ve shared with regard to thumbnail size, expectations of where a thumbnail link leads, etc. If you can share a link that outlines those expectations, I would be happy to comply. I haven’t tried to mislead anyone; if anything I’ve done this as a favor.

    In the meantime, I will make the changes that you were so gracious to suggest as soon as I have a chance this afternoon.

    But all in all I am annoyed and offended by your response, moshu. If this is what a casual user can expect from trying to “give back” to the wordpress community, I would rather not even try.

    Dang, if moshu hadn’t last replied to this one, there would have been -12.. but, things happen… It’s NOT moshu’s fault that you’ve went through digging up how many past posts, replying to them within a 9 hour time frame.

    Atleast 2 of those OLD posts, were posted too, at that time.. 9 hours ago.. atleast 8 were within the last hour (at that time)… and most of the replies, contained links to your own blog!

    Which, when looking at through anyone’s eye, does “look” to be like “self spamming”! If you want, here’s where it started..

    “We” don’t mind you offering your “services/offerings”, just maybe if it was done in a reasonable forum ethic of posting. Like, maybe one main thread of your own, or one reply, to one thread, of the same nature.

    Then let your “service/offerings” build from there, then. Just my 2 cents. ??


    It did look bad though, when viewing the Latest Discussions at that time of the morning, and seeing a great number of threads replied too, with just your username as last replier.. ya know.. lol!

    Spencerp, I appreciate your prompt response. I hope you can understand my frustration and realize that I am being totally upfront with you and everyone else.

    Here’s my story: I started looking for information on a side-by-side blog for my fiance and me in the support forums a few months back and found a dozen other people looking for the same thing….but all seemed either unwilling or unable to write the code. So I gave it a shot, and now that I have a theme that I am happy with, decided to share it with all those folks.

    Would I appreciate donations or affiliate signups from my download site? Sure! But my real purpose was not in search of any sort of gain – I just created a theme for my blog (as you can tell by my personal use of the theme) and am letting other people use it.

    And to be perfectly honest, I really thought I was doing the individuals whose questions went unanswered or unresolved a favor by replying individually to their posts. If that isn’t appropriate, I would be happy to contact them individually, but most fail to include contact info or even a website in their posts/profiles.

    Like I said – I was just offended that moshu wasn’t a bit more tactful in his/her response. I have never created a theme for public release before; I didn’t know the expectations moshu laid out; and was just doing my best to share a solution.

    In fact, I would rather that most of these folks stay away from my personal blog all together (it’s mostly for my own reflections, and family/friends, etc). I probably should have created a new blog somewhere with test content that I could have referenced….but I didnt really think I needed to go to the trouble.

    And I did try to share my theme via the Graphical Theme Viewer, but thus far my email to their admin has gone unanswered.

    In short, I finished the theme, combed through it for bugs and errors to the best of my ability, and finally last night decided that it was as ready as I could get it to share – so I shared it. Again, sorry if I broke the rules or offended anybody. I guess all I can ask is that you (the mods, not you individually, spencerp) be a bit more tactful in the future.

    Thanks again for your prompt reply.


    Right, point taken. Shall we move on?

    Also, by the way, what moshu called my “demo site” is, in fact, my personal blog….those 1-2mb images are not there to slow anybody down, but because 1) my fiance didn’t take the time to shrink them before posting and 2) our friends like to see full sized images of our exploits anyhow. I know it isn’t the most user-friendly way to be, but it’s just my personal blog.

    Also, I fixed the screenshot thumbnail on the download page so that it now links to a larger image of the blog.

    I understand what you’re saying, like I said above.. I think, maybe one main thread of your own. Then let your “service/offerings” build from there, then. ??

    It would get total recognition for what’s it for, right? I dunno..just my 2 cents. =)


    Well, all in all, it’s quite a smart solution from you, allyours… it’s a great alternative for people who want a different solution to installing separate blogs… so credit where and when its due.
    It deserves a thread on it’s own, I definitely agree.

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