• Resolved toatlantis


    Hey Plugin-Developers,

    whatever I try, I always get the Inactivity-Warning when doing my backups. I already splitted up my backups in several parts. But I have a very old blog with just a lot of entries and images. (the wp-content-Folder is 470MB large).

    Can you please help me, solving that problem?

    I could easily post any logs here, but I think, you do have enough logs like mine.

    I am using your script (V3.1.1 and WP-Version 3.8).



Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)
  • Thread Starter toatlantis


    Hey Plugin-Developers,

    on search for any solution for my problems, I just checked the maximal execution time. But this time is set to 300 seconds at my server. So, this can’t be the reason for my problems (details below).

    Can you give me some advice, what to do?

    WordPress-Version	3.8
    BackWPup-Version	3.1.1 Pro-Version kaufen
    PHP-Version	5.2.17
    MySQL-Version	5.5.28-log
    cURL-Version	7.24.0
    cURL-SSL-Version	OpenSSL/1.0.0i
    WP-Cron URL:	https://www.dertimm.de/***
    Verbindung zum Server selbst:	Response Test O.K.
    Temp Verzeichnis:	/kunden/***/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-***-temp/
    Protokoll-Ordner:	/kunden/***/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-***-logs/
    Server	Apache/2.2.22
    Betriebssystem	Linux
    PHP SAPI	cgi
    Aktueller PHP user	***
    Safe Mode	Aus
    Max. Ausführungszeit	300 Sekunden
    Alternative WP Cron	Aus
    WP Cron abgeschaltet	Aus
    CHMOD Verzeichnis	489
    Server Zeit	17:26
    Webseite Zeit	19:26
    Webseite Zeitzone	Etc/GMT-2
    Webseite Zeitversetzung	2 Stunden
    Webseiten Sprache	de-DE
    MySQL Client Encoding	utf8
    Webseiten Charset	UTF-8
    PHP Memory Limit	256M
    WordPress-Memory-Limit	256M
    Maximales WordPress-Memory-Limit	256M
    Speicher in Benutzung	45,00 MB
    Geladene PHP Erweiterungen	PDO, Reflection, SPL, SQLite, SimpleXML, Zend Optimizer, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dbase, dom, exif, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mysql, mysqli, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, session, soap, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zlib
    Thread Starter toatlantis


    No help?

    Are you hosted at STRATO?

    Thread Starter toatlantis


    No. I’m hosted at df.eu (Domain Factory).

    could you have a short look into your tmp-Directory? I think you will found a started frozen ZIP Archiv at a integer Filzesize by 30MB or Sizes like this.

    I’m also in trouble with the same effect and figured out that STRATO had a filesize-limitation at 30MB where the plugin freezed if it reached.

    Thread Starter toatlantis


    Where exactly do I find the “tmp”-folder? Is it a folder made by the backup-plugin (with the unique numbers in it?)

    Thread Starter toatlantis


    I do have a limit of 256 MB, as shown below. This is an extract from the “informations”-panel on the plugin-page.

    PHP Memory Limit	256M
    WordPress-Memory-Limit	256M
    Maximales WordPress-Memory-Limit	256M
    Thread Starter toatlantis


    I just started the backup.

    Memory seems not to be the problem (see the following timeline). Maybe some timeouts? Maybe false memory-calculations?

    Here is some kind of a timeline, what follows:

    (1) Backup starts without any problems.
    (2) Really fast, I get the following line within the console-ouput of the backup-plugin: “Komprimiere Dateien als Tar. Bitte habe einen Moment Geduld.” … in English something link: “Compressing files as tar. Please be patient.”
    (3) Parallel to the Compression, I get a folder under …/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-*****-temp (the stars indicate the unique identifier). In that folder, I do have a tar-file, which is 223 MB large (and rising).
    (4) I first get the following linke within the console-output of the backup-plugin: “[05-Jan-2014 19:00:37] WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet” … in English something like: “Warning: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 Minutes.”
    (5) The size of the tar-file within the temp-Folder is still rising, now exceeding the above mentioned 256 MB. 429 MB large (and rising)
    (6) I now get the following message within the console-output of the backup-plugin: “2. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …” … in English: “Trying to make a backup for the 2nd time”.
    (7) The size of the tar-file within the temp-Folder is still rising, now exceeding 531 MB large (and rising)
    (8) I now get the following message within the console-output of the backup-plugin: “3. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …” … in English: “Trying to make a backup for the 3rd time”.
    (9) The size of the tar-file within the temp-Folder is still rising, now exceeding 634 MB large (and rising). It is now rising very incremental. Everytime I go on “reload” the size increases a bit. This has not been during the other stages mentioned above.
    (10) I now get the following message within the console-output of the backup-plugin: “4. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …” … in English: “Trying to make a backup for the 4th time”.
    (11) … I get the following message: “Backup wurde erstellt.” … “backup created”.
    (12) … now, the plugin tries to upload the file (666.2 MB on my FTP, 635,37 MB stated in the console log) to the dropbox, previously connected.
    (13) within the console of the plugin, I get the statement: “11386 Dateien mit 631,86 MB in Archiven.” … 631,86 MB … third statement to the size of my archive. And none of them fits to the other.
    (14) within the console of the plugin, I get the statement, that the upload just started.

    Authentifiziert mit Dropbox von Benutzer T*** K*** (***@***.**)
    Hochladen zur Dropbox hat begonnen …

    (15) I get the job reset due to inactivity. Upload starts a 2nd time.

    WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet
    2. Versuche, das Backup zur Dropbox zu senden …
    Authentifiziert mit Dropbox von Benutzer T*** K*** (***@***.**)
    Hochladen zur Dropbox hat begonnen …

    (16) Whatever the following statement means, I get it in the console of the plugin:
    (400) False offset will corrected
    (17) After a very long time, I just get the following statement in the console of the plugin:

    WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet
    3. Versuche, das Backup zur Dropbox zu senden …
    Authentifiziert mit Dropbox von Benutzer T*** K*** (***@***.**)
    Hochladen zur Dropbox hat begonnen …

    (18) After a very long time, I get nearly the same statement in the console, but not, I get the unknown “400”-error again:

    WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet
    4. Versuche, das Backup zur Dropbox zu senden …
    Authentifiziert mit Dropbox von Benutzer T*** K*** (***@***.**)
    Hochladen zur Dropbox hat begonnen …
    <strong>(400) False offset will corrected</strong>

    (19) After a very long time again (doing this for 1 hour now!), I get something news at the console. 5th try, but without the offset-correction-error-message:

    WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet
    5. Versuche, das Backup zur Dropbox zu senden …
    Authentifiziert mit Dropbox von Benutzer T*** K*** (***@***.**)
    Hochladen zur Dropbox hat begonnen …

    (20) After a very long time again, I get the following statement:

    Backup übertragen zu https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files/dropbox/***/***.tar
    WARNUNG: Job mit Warnungen beendet in 3417 Sekunden. Bitte beheben Sie die Warnungen für eine korrekte Ausführung.

    I do have 100 GB at my Dropbox-Account. so memory may not be the problem at all. Now my Dropbox syncs with my local laptop. So the tar-file may find its way. But nevertheless, I got the timout-warning 8 times. And I got a strange error-message in addition to that.

    If your folder/files is 470mb the compressed version should not be 600+. I have seen that the new version (3.1.1) has changed the backup location and is therefore backing up all the old saved backups. You may want to look into that and make sure you are not including all your old backups. The new location is in the wp-content/uploads. In my case the old location was /wp-content/backwpup-backups and since that was not the current location was not being excluded.

    Also maybe split up your files and database to separate backups (two separate jobs) could help as well.

    Thread Starter toatlantis


    I just checked the mentioned issues (1. backing up backups and 2. folder-change) before. Both issues are no reason for the problems. I posted only sizes of the compressed files. So I have never mentioned any differences between compressed and uncompressed files. … This might not be the problem, too.

    And I already splitted up the backups. My database is 22 MB large. The rest is the content. …

    Oh ok your first post stated “(the wp-content-Folder is 470MB large)”. The next post stated “The size of the tar-file within the temp-Folder is still rising, now exceeding 634 MB large….then “the plugin tries to upload the file (666.2 MB on my FTP, 635,37 MB.”

    So that’s what lead me to that conclusion. 470mb of content and 22mb of database should not be 666mb after compressed. Sorry guess have to wait for a developer to try and assist.

    i had followed these thread and agree with @sbailey4

    Sorry guess have to wait for a developer to try and assist.

    Sorry too ??

    Hello there,
    Can you please configure under settings | jobs the max script execution time. Begin with a value of 30.

    Thank you Daniel for the response. I used to have the same 5 min inactivity issue but after I set a value of 30 in the max script execution time as you said, it seems to have done the trick and now the jobs are done. However the logs have these [STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator.]….. which I don’t know I should be worried about?

    Thank you.

    INFO] WordPress version 3.8
    [INFO] Blog url: https://www.memoriestoenjoy.com/
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Database and file; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 3 * * 0; Next: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 @ 03:00
    [INFO] BackWPup job started manually
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.2.17; cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 30 seconds
    [INFO] Script restart time is configured to 30 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.33-31.1
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.24.0; OpenSSL/0.9.8t
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /home3/yosolita/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-f6ac98-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /home3/yosolita/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-ae278-logs/backwpup_log_f6ac98_2014-01-15_11-14-55.html
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /home3/yosolita/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-f6ac98-temp/backwpup_baf17c_2014-01-15_11-14-55.zip
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] 1. Try to backup database …
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Connected to database yosolita_wrdp1 on localhost
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_commentmeta" with "0" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_comments" with "0" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_customcontactforms_field_options" with "5" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_customcontactforms_fields" with "15" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_customcontactforms_forms" with "1" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_customcontactforms_styles" with "0" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_customcontactforms_user_data" with "0" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_dynamic_widgets" with "6" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_links" with "7" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_options" with "295" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_postmeta" with "330" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_posts" with "747" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_term_relationships" with "14" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_term_taxonomy" with "3" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_terms" with "3" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_usermeta" with "36" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Backup database table "wp_users" with "1" records
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Added database dump "yosolita_wrdp1.sql" with 3.47 MB to backup file list
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] Database backup done!
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:55] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] 695 folders to backup.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] Added plugin list file "memoriestoenjoy.com_.pluginlist.2014-01-15.txt" with 2.58 kB to backup file list.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] Added manifest.json file with 5.54 kB to backup file list.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [15-Jan-2014 11:14:56] Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:22] Restart after 28 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:23] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:23] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:50] Restart after 28 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:50] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:50] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:50] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:51] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:15:51] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:18] Restart after 29 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:19] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:19] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:19] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:20] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:20] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:47] Restart after 29 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:48] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:48] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:48] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:49] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:16:49] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:21] Restart after 34 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:21] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:21] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:21] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:52] Restart after 30 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:52] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:52] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:52] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:53] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:17:53] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:14] Backup archive created.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:14] Archive size is 164.12 MB.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:14] 4580 Files with 204.61 MB in Archive.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:14] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:14] Authenticated with Dropbox of user Desi Memories ([email protected])
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:14] Uploading to Dropbox …
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:22] Restart after 29 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:22] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:23] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:23] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:52] Restart after 30 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:52] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:52] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:52] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:53] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:18:53] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:20] Restart after 28 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:20] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:20] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:20] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:21] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:21] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:48] Restart after 28 seconds.
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:48] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:48] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:48] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:49] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:19:49] STRICT NOTICE: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator
    [15-Jan-2014 11:20:07] Backup transferred to https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files/sandbox/memoriestoenjoy.com/backwpup_baf17c_2014-01-15_11-14-55.zip
    [15-Jan-2014 11:20:07] Job done in 312 seconds.

    You use PHP 5.2 please upgrade your PHP Version to 5.3 or above.

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