Problem after udating to 3.7 (or 3.8)
I have several WordPress installs for testing on a localhost setup. I installed the components separately several years ago. It would take some work to go through and see what I need to do to update them without breaking anything. The versions of the components are:
Apache 2.2
PHP 5.2.11
MySQL 5.0.88These are being run on Windows XP Pro SP3.
I recently updated one of the installs to 3.7 and after doing so, if I try to update any themes or plugins I get an error that says something like this: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature.
For now I am just trying to get authoritative advice on whether the versions of the components I am running will work with 3.7 and 3.8.
I tried updating another install to 3.8 which went fine, but when I tried to update the twentythirteen theme I got the same error message as above. NOTE: I just tried it again and the theme updated successfully.
My main question is: What version of PHP is required for 3.7 and 3.8? Some people have said that 5.3 is required and some have said 5.2.5.
I am nervous about updating my other installs until I find out what the latest version of PHP that they will work with.
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