• Greetings all,
    I have a friend who currently has her blog hosted on Typepad’s pay service. For obvious reasons, I would like to help her move her site over to a hosted/Wordpress config. Is there any way to export from Typepad and import into WordPress? Will Typepad even allow an export of archives?(I certainly hope so…)
    I’ve heard that Typepad uses a modified version of Movable Type, so will the WordPress MT import work?

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  • I don’t have any hands-on personal experience with Typepad, but m gumption tells me that it should work flawlessly assuming that she has access to the Export function on Typepad. According to this comparison chart, all user-levels have access to import/export entries.

    Let’s hope the exported file has a similar format to the MT export file.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Thanks wantmoore ?? I had already scanned through Typepad’s site, but I didn’t notice that info about exporting posts.
    Now I just have to figure out whether WordPress can import Typepad’s data. Anyone tried it?
    I wonder if Typepad’s database structure is the same as MTs…

    I would imagine that the MT backend to Typepad isn’t hacked up very much if at all. I’ve got a beta blog that I’d be willing to test it out on if someone can supply me with a Typepad Export file. Just email it to me….. wordpress *-at-* wantmoore.com

    I asked Anil about this and he said that Typepad exports in the same format MT does, so you can use the MT import. Contact Typepad support to find the export.

    I’ve tried importing from TypePad, but I’m having special character problems. Any suggestions?

    Kimberly, match the character encoding on your wordpress blog to the same as it was on the typepad blog. The character encoding can be found by looking at the meta tags.

    I’m moving my blog from Typepad to WordPress and would love to know how it’s done. Thus far, I’ve only seen stuff on how to import from an already existing Moveable Type installation. Since I’m using a subscription service, those directions don’t help me.
    It’s funny how little information I’m able to fine about transferring from Typepad to another program. It’s almost seems like I can’t make the change without walking away from all my previous content, and we’re talking about 1500+ posts…

    You can export the entries from your typepad installation. There should be a link or page in your typepad management interface that lets you export the entries. You can follow the MT import help files or documentation from that point onwards. The MT generated export file and the typepad generated export file are identical in all respects.
    Hope that helps.

    Maybe my eyes have glazed over but… I only see half the answer here.

    After completing a WordPress install and successfully exporting TypePad posts in a text file format (Typepad did this)
    How do you import the posts into WordPress?

    I am looking for directions something like:
    From the WordPress Control panel:
    Go to ?? menu
    Go to file import
    Set to tab or space delimited or ??

    Help please. I’m in test mode, trying to convert over to WordPress. So far I love the interface and OMW the WordPress button works so much better and faster than the TypePad Quick Post or connecting to my own server than the TypePad servers.

    I need my ‘old’ content or I’ll be forced to keep blogteknia.us on TypePad.


    Thanks Kafkaesqui! I’ll take a look.

    thanks so much. i’m currently almost completely out of space at typepad subscription (basic) and looking for something “prettier” and easier. looking to see if importing my typepad archives will be possible and VERY thankful for this entry.

    I actually put all the stuff I know on a Codex page, so everyone can improve it:



    I just got WP installed (took FOREVER due to locahost issues in config.php) and now will be tackling this!

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