I have released version 1.70, which can offer you some relief from the lost-data issues you’re having with the Image Rotation Fixer plugin.
Have a look at the “MLA Custom Field and IPTC/EXIF Mapping Actions and Filters (Hooks)” section in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab. It contains an outline of the hooks I’ve added and a link to the mla-mapping-hooks-example.php.txt file; a simple stand-alone plugin you can use to hold any custom code you need.
In your case, the mla_upload_prefilter
and mla_upload_filter
hooks can be used to capture as much of the IPTC and EXIF information as you need. You can use the captured data to restore the attachment metadata in the `mla_update_attachment
_metadata_postfilter` filters.
You could also use the mla_mapping_ ...
filters to map your captured data to standard fields, taxonomy terms or custom fields.
I am going to mark this topic resolved, but if you need more specific help with using the hooks, post an update here and let me know what data you want to preserve and where you want to store it. I am happy to give you as much help as you need to make good use of the hooks.
Finally, none of the hooks will let you preserve the IPTC and EXIF data in the image file itself after plugins or other code have altered it. I am looking into that, but it is a much more difficult problem and will take time to address. If you are interested in that topic, please follow this other support topic where I will be reporting my progress and any solutions I come up with:
Feature Requests
Thanks for your question and for your interest in the plugin. Questions like yours are a big source of ideas for enhancements and new features.