• I’m looking at the idea of rebuilding my website with wordpress but need someone to create a cool template for me
    does anyone know of a company/person that offers this service?
    I want this to look particularly cool
    answers/links below please ??
    thanks in advance

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  • What are you looking to pay? Please contact me through email if interested.

    maybe we can get a new category for freelance work related to WP.
    surprisingly people contact me on IRC to do paid work for them when everyone knows I am SUSHUBH! ?? the hopeless mass blogger… ??

    i think a seperate category for freelance design is a good idea. but then again, just take an existing template and get your hands dirty! whatever you break in your design can easily be fixed. for example, my site is loosely based on rubric, a template i found at alex king’s site. and anyway, if it goes wrong, you can just upload the untouched index/wp-layout files and start again ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    my portfolio can be found at https://www.ihad.de
    i am a freelancer for web design and currently working on my own wordpress template.

    I am also looking for a freelance graphic designer to create a custom wordpress template.

    My client has an attractive image, approx 800×1000 that I need turned into a template for wp 2.0

    Not sure of the rules of this support forum, but search my name on google to find me.

    Douglas Lampi

    POst a contact address and we will close this thread. (see the forum rules on the main page)

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