Featured Tag option not showing up?
I feel very dumb for this as I am positively sure I am missing something incredibly small, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why the Featured option isn’t showing up in the Customize area.
What I mean specifically is, you go into Customize. Then to Featured Content. You can select between Grid or Slider. But usually underneath of that you can select what your tag name is. It’s not there. In addition, I keep trying to just tag post as “Feature” or “Featured,” but it’s not working.
Notes: I started this with a child theme. However, I tried to just revert back to the regular parent version to see if that would fix it. I also deleted the parent version, redownloaded Twenty Fourteen, re-uploaded. Nothing works. All other options seem to be there, active and working.
Also, I googled and searched the heck out of this forum, no one else seems to be experiencing this which leads me to believe I am just missing the absolute obvious.
Any help would be appreciated.
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