Social network URL sharing not displaying Thumbnail in links.
I’m in the process of starting up a new blog site at The website is coming together nicely however road blocks.
At the moment my thumbnail only displays site name, tag line and url of home page (ONLY) when sharing with ANY social network.
I require full Thumbnails for my url’s including:
– Pictures
– Article Titles
– Short descriptionFor my blog posts. Yes my article do have featured images in blog posts.
I know that it requires an ‘Open Graph Protocol’ with an Facebook App ID# set up which I’ve tried many times but some how still having problems. This also goes for Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, Youtube and any other social network you can think of.
* I’ve spent and hour and a half with hostgator on the phone with no result.
* I’ve changed my theme and still the same problem.
* I’ve created Facebook App ID# and used required plugins to suite
* I’ve used the “social” option using ‘Yoast WordPress SEO’ plugin.
* checked “Add an Open Graph meta data” using ‘Yoast WordPress SEO’ plugin.I’m running out of options.
Can someone help me fix it? My site is useless without it.
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