• Im using the 3.8 version of wordpress and I’m trying to add some custom social items to the navigation menu – something I’ve done several times before on previous versions of wp. But for some reason i simply can’t get it to work now.

    Here is my code, put into the child themes functions.php:

    *functions.php for Child theme
    /* Social Icons */
    function menu_social($items){
        $social = '<li class="social">';
        $social .= '<a href="https://www.facebook.com/christel.winther">';
    	$social .= '<img src="https://selgolb.cphadsdemo.dk/wp-content/themes/christel/images/facebook.png" /> </a>';
    	$social .= '<a href="https://twitter.com/ChristelWinther">';
    	$social .= '<img src="https://selgolb.cphadsdemo.dk/wp-content/themes/christel/images/twitter.png" /> </a>';
    	$social .= '<a href="dk.linkedin.com/pub/christel-winther/2/409/b03">';
    	$social .= '<img src="https://selgolb.cphadsdemo.dk/wp-content/themes/christel/images/linkedin.png" /> </a>';
    	$social .= '<a href="https://christelwinther.com/feed">';
    	$social .= '<img src="https://selgolb.cphadsdemo.dk/wp-content/themes/christel/images/rss.png" /> </a>';
    	$social .= '</li>';
        return $items . $social;

    The website url is: https://selgolb.cphadsdemo.dk

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