• It took me hours to work out the correct settings, so here is a summary to save you some time!

    This lets you work from Dreamweaver on the the ‘live’ files (on the server/host).
    It also lets you view your Mysql database from within Dreamweaver.

    (I haven’t been able to get the ‘live data’ for index.php to work in Dreamweaver. It is certainly not a big problem, but if you work out how to do it, please share with the forum!
    It would be nice to see the layout in Dreamweaver while actually coding. Currently I save the serverside file and then view it in browser. So no WYSIWYG / Design editing is not possible. )

    If you host with Dreamhost and want to connect to a WP blog from Dreamweaver 8.

    Dreameaver Site Management Dialogue box – Remote Info:
    Access: FTP
    FTP Host: https://ftp.domainname.suffix (like .com or .net)
    Host Directory: https://www.domainname.suffix/wp-content/themes/themename/ (like kubrick)
    ftplogin (user specific)
    ftppassword (user specific)
    Use Passive Mode: checked
    Use Firewall: unchecked
    Use Secure FTP: unchecked
    Maintain Syncronization Info: checked
    Automatically Upload Files upon save: checked Enable File check in and out: unchecked

    Site Dialogue box – Testing Server:
    Server Model: PHP mysql
    Access: FTP
    FTP Host: https://ftp.domainname.suffix
    Host Directory: https://www.domainname.suffix
    Use Passive Mode: checked
    Use Firewall: unchecked
    Use Secure FTP: unchecked
    URL Prefix: https://domainname.suffix

    Cloaking Option – Enable Cloaking: checked; Cloaked Files end with: unchecked

    Dreamweaver Database dialogue box: mysql Connection Settings:
    Connection Name:
    mysql Server: mysql.domainname.suffix

    User Name: database user name (user specific)
    Password-database userpassword (user specific)
    Database: Name of the database to access on the server (as there may be multiple)

    Hope this helps!

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