• I am still fairly new and i was wondering how would i get a snippet the post to show up when i hover over posting titles..

    is there a plugin out there which will grab alittle of the post and add it as a TITLE automatically.. so when users hover over it its not just blank the pop up window.

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  • you want a tooltip — like where I see the blank one on that first post?

    <a tip="" href="https://www.moderatelypassionate.com/evejunkies" rel="bookmark">Welcome to E V E - Junkies.</a>

    the post title is gleamed using this: <?php the_title(); ?> so assuming your generating those dynamically, just plug that in..

    for example:

    <a tip="<?php the_title(); ?>" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>

    That will give you one tooltip (the title), and one permalink to the post linked by the post title.

    Thread Starter phoenix9bird


    hmm ok when u go to my site and yes u hover over the “welcome to EVE…” the black box shows up.. but there isnt anything in it..

    i would like for it to automatically have something in there..

    i mean if a user is writing a post.. i would like it to auticamtically have a little snippet of it showing in the hover box.. like in the left hand post area its all black.. ..

    can i have a plugin that will grab a snippet of the post and put it into that hover box..

    ur above suggestion.. where do i put that??

    didnt you add the tip=”” part to your theme’s index.php? I downloaded the theme youre using and looked — that tooltip code isnt included in the theme.

    At any rate, the edit location for the DEFAULT index.php thats included in the zip is here:

    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>

    Replace that with what I pasted above.

    As for a plugin, if youre inclined to use a plugin for something as simple as this, have at it. The plugins are here, browse away:


    Lastly, I notice your listing “something” in the sidebar thats somehow related to posts. And your also listing recent posts. Making those tooltips work will take more editing than ive already said, so if your hesitant about what little i’ve already suggested, Im not going to explain the others changes. Theres also no telling where it (the tooltips edits) will end.

    You might just want to find another plugin that affects all links generated by wordpress and ANY and ALL plugins and mash that up to make the tooltips work through it.

    Thread Starter phoenix9bird


    thanks for your time and effort..

    i didnt add the tip”” .. i actually dont know where or what your refering too as well..where is it.. can u direct me so i can see and learn alittle more of this

    I havent actually added any of the “something/recent posts” i am using a theme that works with widgets..

    i am new so i wouldnt know how to put any of those in ??

    i can see adding the tooltips in various places can be never ending..
    would i need to add:

    tip=”<?php the_title(); ?>”

    everytime for codes refering to posts??? or just this line specifically:

    ” rel=”bookmark”><?php the_title(); ?>

    do u know any plugin specifically that would do this instead if its going to be messy..

    thanks for any help

    the_title() is used for inside the loop, so nope, thats not going to work for those items in your sidebar (if thats wht you are asking)

    So you understand, Ive only explained how to do the tooltips for your blog titles. I am NOT talking about the sidebar stuff because of what I already explained above.

    Re Plugins: Ive pointed you to main plugins listing.I dont have any other answers or suggestions other than what Ive already suggested. Furthermore, my own suggestion regarding finding _any_ plugin that affects links generated by wp and all installed plugins and mashing that to do the tooltips for you, is going to be a hard-sell.

    There are plugins that affect ALL wordpress generated links. Ive yet to see a plugin that can filter (thats the correct term) another plugins filtered output. And in fact, most of the various latest posts/latest comments/latest anything plugins dont really do any filtering, they just grab whats in the database and spew it out..

    If you are willing to do some reading — you CAN do tooltips with JUST CSS.

    Read: https://web-graphics.com/mtarchive/001717.php

    He has a great example page here:

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