In the current version of plugin you can obtain the same result in the following way:
If you set each post about animal in its own category. For example a category for dogs with ID 2, a category for cats with ID 5 and a category for horses with ID 9 (The IDs numbers are only for demo). You can combine them in a same map using the “cat” attribute (for category ;-))
For example a map for cats and dogs would be:
[codepeople-post-map cat=”2,5″]
a map for cats and horses:
[codepeople-post-map cat=”5,9″]
for the three animals:
[codepeople-post-map cat=”2,5,9″]
for all posts and pages in your website:
[codepeople-post-map cat=”-1″]
Tip: In my demos I use categories because the map’s shortcode accepts only one value for tag, but multiple categories separated by symbols of comma.
About the zoom, please, pay attention to an option to adjust the map’s zoom dynamically(the attribute is available in the settings page of plugin). If you check the option the map’s zoom will be calculated dynamicall to display all points on map(It can coincide or not with the zoom value entered in the same page)
The current version of plugin does not allows to load the points dynamically from published page, like the demo you sent me.