I completely understand your frustration and appreciate you communicating this to our team.
The truth is, most plugins with this many features (e.g. buddypress and woocommerce), usually come with a theme. We offer a similar solution with our $1 one dollar wordpress themes. You can use one to get a head start.
There is lots of information regarding “wordpress shortcodes” online. I could simply answer these questions, but i anticipate you will need more help. If you are experiencing difficulty applying the principles, maybe you should consider 1hr of product support. Its very affordable and allows our team to setup the plugin exactly how you want it. Usually we can do this within 1 hour.
One major thing to note, is that users can only edit/delete their listings if you are either :
- A) Using the buddypress plugin with its respective option selected in wp-admin
- B) Allowing people into your wordpress administration area
Ultimately, we do understand that many of our customers are new to wordpress and may have considered it simply because of our plugin. So you can anticipate more examples and videos on our bepro listings documentation page in the upcoming months. Our goal is to target users (beginner, intermediate, expert) and developers
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