• Resolved Wellton



    I am using optiontree to add retailer images with a link attatched to it. It works fine to create new list-item and they appear on both back- and front-end. However, when I duplicate the whole site to a development subdomain the retailer metaboxes with their values disappears. On both back- and front end. But when i check in the database everything looks exactly the same with meta_key’s, post_id’s and so forth.

    This is my code for all the metaboxes:

    function custom_meta_boxes() {
      $my_meta_box = array(
        'id'        => 'adsettings',
        'title'     => 'Ad settings',
        'desc'      => '',
        'pages'     => array( 'page' ),
        'context'   => 'normal',
        'priority'  => 'high',
        'fields'    => array(
            'id'          => 'product_link',
            'label'       => 'Link to product',
            'desc'        => 'Type the link to this product.',
            'std'         => '',
            'type'        => 'text',
            'class'       => '',
        'id'          => 'specs',
        'label'       => 'Specs',
        'desc'        => 'Specifications for the product.',
        'std'         => '',
        'type'        => 'list-item',
        'rows'        => '',
        'post_type'   => '',
        'taxonomy'    => '',
        'class'       => '',
        'settings'    => array(
            'id'          => 'spec',
            'label'       => 'Spec',
            'desc'        => 'Spec.',
            'std'         => '',
            'type'        => 'text',
            'class'       => '',
        'id'          => 'highlights',
        'label'       => 'Highlights',
        'desc'        => 'Highlights for the product.',
        'std'         => '',
        'type'        => 'list-item',
        'rows'        => '',
        'post_type'   => '',
        'taxonomy'    => '',
        'class'       => '',
        'settings'    => array(
            'id'          => 'highlight',
            'label'       => 'Highlight',
            'desc'        => 'Highlight',
            'std'         => '',
            'type'        => 'text',
            'class'       => '',
            'id'          => 'video_id',
            'label'       => 'Youtube ID',
            'desc'        => 'Insert your Youtube video ID. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<strong>JD6iXZR1Vbo</strong>. Insert only the numbers in bold.',
            'std'         => '',
            'type'        => 'text',
            'rows'        => '',
            'post_type'   => '',
            'taxonomy'    => '',
            'class'       => ''
        'id'          => 'retailers',
        'label'       => 'Retailers details',
        'desc'        => '',
        'std'         => '',
        'type'        => 'list-item',
        'rows'        => '',
        'post_type'   => '',
        'taxonomy'    => '',
        'class'       => '',
        'settings'    => array(
                'id'          => 'retailerimage',
                'label'       => 'Retailer logo',
                'desc'        => 'Logo for the chosen retailer.',
                'std'         => '',
                'type'        => 'upload',
                'rows'        => '',
                'post_type'   => '',
                'taxonomy'    => '',
                'class'       => ''
            'id'          => 'retailerlink',
            'label'       => 'Link',
            'desc'        => 'Link to the chosen retailer.',
            'std'         => '',
            'type'        => 'text',
            'class'       => '',
      ot_register_meta_box( $my_meta_box );
    add_action( 'admin_init', 'custom_meta_boxes' );

    This is the code I use for displaying the retailer list items:

    <?php  if ( function_exists( 'ot_get_option' ) ) {
      $retailers = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'retailers', true);
      if ( ! empty( $retailers ) ) { ?>
      <ul class="retailers clearfix">
       <?php foreach( $retailers as $retailer ) {
          echo '<li>';
          if ($retailer['retailerlink']) {
          echo '<a href="';
          echo $retailer['retailerlink'];
          echo '" target="_blank">';
          echo '<img width="100" src="' .$retailer['retailerimage'] . '" /></li>';
          if ($retailer['retailerlink']) {
          echo '</a>';
        } ?>

    Thanks in advance!


Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)
  • Plugin Author Derek Herman


    When you’re editing Post/Page click the “Screen Options” tab and check the “Custom Fields” option, then scroll down the page and look if any of the meta is attached to the post. If it’s not then I would guess there is an issue with your import not mapping the post ID to the meta fields properly.

    Thread Starter Wellton


    Hm… I looked at both the duplicate site and the original and as a mather of fact none of the list items are attatched to the post. But the list items “specs” and “highlights” does show on the front end & back end on the duplicate site.

    Thread Starter Wellton


    So that is;

    Original site:
    “highlights” display on:
    backend, frontend

    “highlights” display not on:
    Custom fields

    “specs” display on:
    backend, frontend

    “specs” display not on:
    Custom fields

    “retailers” display on:
    backend, frontend

    “retailers” display not on:
    Custom fields

    Duplicate site:
    “highlights” display on:
    backend, frontend

    “highlights” display not on:
    Custom fields

    “specs” display on:
    backend, frontend

    “specs” display not on:
    Custom fields

    “retailers” display on:

    “retailers” display not on:
    Custom fields, backend, frontend

    Plugin Author Derek Herman


    @wellton I just checked and List Item option type does not show up in the Custom Fields. Sorry for the confusion! It’s probably because they’re arrays and you would not be able to directly edit them.

    As for why you have some list items export and display properly and other don’t I’m baffled. Maybe a data corruption somewhere. Are you sure that the retailers meta field in the duplicate site is a 1 to 1 exact copy and the serialized array is imported properly?

    Thread Starter Wellton


    Are you sure that the retailers meta field in the duplicate site is a 1 to 1 exact copy and the serialized array is imported properly?

    Well, when I copied the site I duplicate the whole wordpress folder, exported the tables using phpmyadmin, imported the tables into the new database. Souldn’t that make an exact 1 to 1 copy?

    Plugin Author Derek Herman


    That’s not what I asked. Please look at the code and verify that it is a 1 to 1 copy of the data. You only need to look at a single record in the DB to verify. It would have taken the same amount of time to do that than to reply the way you did.

    Thread Starter Wellton


    Ok, so now i’ve checked one record in the database and “meta_id”, “post_id”, “meta_key” and “meta_value” are all the same except for the link to the images of course which is located at the same place as the site itself.

    Thread Starter Wellton


    and the link to the image exists in “meta_value” with all the other values.

    Plugin Author Derek Herman


    I just want to be 100% clear. You’re saying that all metabox List Items option types work correctly in all posts with the exception of “retailers”, which displays no data on the front or back end?

    Can you put this in your code somewhere to see what the output is?

    echo '<pre>';
    print_r( get_post_custom( get_the_ID() ) );
    echo '</pre>';
    Thread Starter Wellton


    this is what i get:

        [_edit_last] => Array
                [0] => 1
        [_wp_page_template] => Array
                [0] => default
        [_edit_lock] => Array
                [0] => 1389888818:1
        [_post_restored_from] => Array
                [0] => a:3:{s:20:"restored_revision_id";i:28;s:16:"restored_by_user";i:1;s:13:"restored_time";i:1379932599;}
        [background] => Array
                [0] => a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:5:"title";s:5:"hello";s:5:"image";s:0:"";s:4:"link";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:0:"";}i:1;a:4:{s:5:"title";s:9:"hellooooo";s:5:"image";s:0:"";s:4:"link";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:0:"";}}
        [video_id] => Array
                [0] => JD6iXZR1Vbo
        [specs] => Array
                [0] => a:4:{i:0;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:1:"1";s:4:"spec";s:0:"";}i:1;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:1:"2";s:4:"spec";s:0:"";}i:2;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:3:"tre";s:4:"spec";s:0:"";}i:3;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:4:"fyra";s:4:"spec";s:0:"";}}
    Thread Starter Wellton


    Ooops, my bad. the code above is outside the loop

    here is the right one:

        [_edit_last] => Array
                [0] => 1
        [_edit_lock] => Array
                [0] => 1390375743:1
        [_wp_page_template] => Array
                [0] => default
        [specs] => Array
                [0] => a:10:{i:0;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:16:"Sk?rmstorlekar:";s:4:"spec";s:6:"26-55"";}i:1;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:14:"VESA Standard:";s:4:"spec";s:21:"100 / 200 / 300 / 400";}i:2;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:6:"F?rg:";s:4:"spec";s:5:"Svart";}i:3;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:15:"Inf?llt l?ge:";s:4:"spec";s:4:"28mm";}i:4;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:15:"Utf?llt l?ge:";s:4:"spec";s:5:"260mm";}i:5;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:7:"Vinkla:";s:4:"spec";s:10:" -2°~+7o";}i:6;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:5:"Vrid:";s:4:"spec";s:11:"-20°~+20°";}i:7;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:5:"Vikt:";s:4:"spec";s:5:"7,5kg";}i:8;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:14:"Lastkapacitet:";s:4:"spec";s:5:"40 kg";}i:9;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:7:"Garanti";s:4:"spec";s:5:"5 ?r";}}
        [video_id] => Array
                [0] => 3YtL8Us65Bo
        [retailers] => Array
                [0] => a:11:{i:0;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:5:"Pause";s:13:"retailerimage";s:61:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/pauselogo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:99:"https://www.pauseljudbild.com/produkter/tillbehor/till-tv/multibrackets-m-vesa-super-slim-tilt-turn/";}i:1;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:5:"Misco";s:13:"retailerimage";s:61:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/miscologo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:103:"https://www.misco.se/product/product.aspx?P_ItemId=7171385&SearchString=Super%20Slim%20Tilt%20%26%20Turn";}i:2;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:9:"Webhallen";s:13:"retailerimage";s:65:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/webhallenlogo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:85:"https://www.webhallen.com/hemelektronik/132002-multibrackets_vesa_super_slim_tilt_turn";}i:3;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:12:"Ljudkallaren";s:13:"retailerimage";s:67:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/ljudkallarnlogo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:43:"https://www.ljudkallarn.com/?artnr=MBMVESSTT";}i:4;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:6:"Dustin";s:13:"retailerimage";s:66:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/dustinhomelogo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:43:"https://www.dustinhome.se/pd_5010465476.aspx";}i:5;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:8:"Dagspris";s:13:"retailerimage";s:64:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/dagsprislogo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:50:"https://www.dagspris.se/PartDetail.aspx?q=p:3462896";}i:6;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:3:"DPJ";s:13:"retailerimage";s:59:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/dpjlogo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:78:"https://www.dpj.se/tv-stativ/425-multibrackets-m-vesa-super-slim-tilt-turn.html";}i:7;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:6:"EverIT";s:13:"retailerimage";s:62:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/everitlogo.png";s:12:"retailerlink";s:81:"https://www.everit.se/products/37500/multibrackets-7-350-022-734-036-7350022734036";}i:8;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:14:"Lars Bengtsson";s:13:"retailerimage";s:69:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/larsbengtssonlogo.jpg";s:12:"retailerlink";s:108:"https://www.larsbengtsson.se/produkter/visa/bild/vaggfasten/32-42-4/multibrackets-m-vesa-super-slim-tilt-turn";}i:9;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:7:"Kungstv";s:13:"retailerimage";s:63:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/kungstvlogo.png";s:12:"retailerlink";s:71:"https://www.kungstv.se/tv-2/vaggfasten/multibrackets-superslim-tilt-turn";}i:10;a:3:{s:5:"title";s:4:"ATEA";s:13:"retailerimage";s:60:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/atealogo.png";s:12:"retailerlink";s:93:"https://eshop.atea.com/senew/m4n?_dl=1&_locale=1&oid=etailer-product&prodid=230124&viewMode=3";}}
        [product_link] => Array
                [0] => https://multibrackets.com/4036.shtml
        [highlights] => Array
                [0] => a:3:{i:0;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:12:"Upp till 55"";s:9:"highlight";s:12:"Upp till 55"";}i:1;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:34:"Vrid, v?nd och tilta utan verktyg";s:9:"highlight";s:34:"Vrid, v?nd och tilta utan verktyg";}i:2;a:2:{s:5:"title";s:42:"28mm tunn mot v?gg - 260mm ut fr?n v?gg";s:9:"highlight";s:42:"28mm tunn mot v?gg - 260mm ut fr?n v?gg";}}
        [_thumbnail_id] => Array
                [0] => 163
    Plugin Author Derek Herman


    You have the ‘retailers’ meta attached to that post so I’m a bit confused here. Are you using the code to loop over the list item in the loop or outside of the loop?

    Thread Starter Wellton


    First I loop all the posts to display them on one single page. Then inside that loop i’m using this code to loop through the list items:

    <?php  if ( function_exists( 'ot_get_option' ) ) {
      $retailers = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'retailers', true);
      if ( ! empty( $retailers ) ) { ?>
      <ul class="retailers clearfix">
       <?php foreach( $retailers as $retailer ) {
          echo '<li>';
          if ($retailer['retailerlink']) {
          echo '<a href="';
          echo $retailer['retailerlink'];
          echo '" target="_blank">';
          echo '<img width="100" src="' .$retailer['retailerimage'] . '" /></li>';
          if ($retailer['retailerlink']) {
          echo '</a>';
        } ?>
    Plugin Author Derek Herman


    All of your serialized arrays were corrupted when you did a find and replace for the new URL. When you did that the serialized string count is short 1 for all the retailerimage values. So for example, you have s:13:"retailerimage";s:66:"https://test.multibrackets.com/wp-content/uploads/dustinhomelogo.jpg"; in your array but the string character count is 67 not 66.

    Plugin Author Derek Herman


    Google led me here in a hurry https://github.com/Blogestudio/Fix-Serialization

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