Do you mean the add-booking form?
Here’s a small rundown of eme:
– when reading the usage page at , it states you need to use shortcodes on regular pages to get anything done from EME. And it says to look further down in the doc for the possible shortcodes.
– So, going to , you get a list of possible shortcodes for events lists, locations, or anything else mentioned there.
– For changing the layout you have all kinds of “format” settings in the EME settings: you have format settings for event lists, location lists, single event, booking list, ical feed, google maps balloons, emails, etc … Inside these format settings, you must use the relevant placeholders to do the formatting. See the doc for placeholders:
For single events, these can be overridden in the single event creation/edit window.
For event and location lists, the new template feature can also be used, again read the doc:
– In your case: look at the events placeholder #_ADDBOOKINGFORM and place it somewhere inside the format settings for single events.