[Theme : DesignFolio] Assistance activating custom logo
Hi guys,
I’m having trouble activating a custom logo within the theme DesignFolio [Click to view in wordpress repository]. i understand that with Designfolio’s free version they have the option disabled but i’m really hoping to bypass this for a non-profit magazine site.
i’ve been browsing through some PHP and i’ve noticed that it references the logo quite often, example from api/classes/classes/theme_options.php:
‘ /* Define some theme specific option constants. */
define( “PC_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEXTBOX”, “txt_admin_email” );
define( “PC_SEO_SETTINGS_CHECKBOX”, “chk_seo_settings” );
define( “PC_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_THEME_OPTION”, “drp_default_layout” );
define( “PC_LOGO_URL_OPTION_NAME”, “txt_logo_url” ); // logo url text box
define( “PC_LOGO_CHK_OPTION_NAME”, “chk_custom_logo” ); // logo checkbox (to use/not use a custom logo)/* @todo Add footer links in via a (theme specific) hook cb only if the footer theme options are used. */
$footer_theme_name = ( PC_THEME_NAME == ‘Designfolio Pro’ ) ? ‘designfolio’ : PC_THEME_NAME;
$pc_footer_links = ‘<div id=”site-info”><p class=”copyright”>? [year] [site-url]</p><p class=”pc-link”>Powered by WordPress and the ‘.PC_THEME_NAME.’ Theme.</p></div><!– #site-info –>’;/* Defaults options array. */
$pc_default_options = array(
“chk_hide_description” => “null”,
“chk_show_social_buttons” => “1”,
PC_ADMIN_EMAIL_TEXTBOX => get_bloginfo( ‘admin_email’ ),
“txtarea_header” => “”,
“txtarea_footer” => “”,
“txtarea_footer_links” => $pc_footer_links,
“txt_favicon” => “”,
“txtarea_custom_css” => “”
);’i tried removing the ‘null’ parts and i’ve attempted a few different things but i’m not confident enough in php to know what i’m doing. any help would be very, very, very appreciated, thankyou!
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