• Resolved dbs76


    There is an incompatibility between the WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife plugin and the Grouped Products in Woocommerce.

    1/ Quantities for each Simple Product related with a Grouped product will appear as “1” instead of “0”.

    2/ When submiting “add to cart” on a Grouped Product, a error message will appear:

    “Please choose a product to add to your cart…”

    I’m getting the following error on the browser console:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘create’ of undefined

    It seems to be on file: measureIt.js, line 120:

    chrome.tabs.create({url: “welcome.html”, selected:true})

    This problem with the Grouped Products does not occur when the plugin is deactivated.


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  • Plugin Author ulihake


    Hello dbs76.

    Thanks for your feedback again. Hope that you can wait some days, I will try to address your feedbacks this weekend.


    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hello dbs76.

    You indicate a problem with measureIt.js on line 120 but WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife does not load nor use a file with the name measureIt.js.

    To be sure I configured a grouped product and I can not reproduce your bug. This does not mean that you experience the problem in conjunction with another plugin. For now I would like to ask you do deactivate all other plugins apart from WooCommerce and WooCommerce Poor Guys Swiss Knife. If the error persists please report this here, if not you should try to identify if there’s another plugin that interferes by activating one by one the rest of your plugins.


    Thread Starter dbs76


    Thanks uh.

    I disabled all plugins, except WPGSK and the problem persists.

    I wonder if this is an incompatibility between the plugin and the theme I’m using? (Mystile from Woocommerce).

    Thread Starter dbs76


    I’ve looked into it further. The message above from measureIt.js was related with a Chrome extension.

    I’ve removed the extension and tested again with Chrome/FF/IE. The problem persists in all browsers, but now the console gives no error.

    Plugin Author ulihake


    Ok, thanks for your reply. I will do some further testing on my side and get back to you.


    Thread Starter dbs76


    Same problem with a different theme, but now I get the following error message:

    GET https://localhost/dh4/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.min.map 404 (Not Found)

    Plugin Author ulihake


    Ok. Identified. I will provide a fix for this. Sorry.


    Plugin Author ulihake


    Hello dbs76.

    This should be fixed with 1.6.2

    Thanks again for your effort and feedback.


    Thread Starter dbs76


    thanks uh

    Thread Starter dbs76


    Hi uh

    I’m trying to reach you by email with some questions regarding the premium plugin, but it seems the email form in your website is not working?


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