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  • Plugin Author Chad Butler


    That is very strange indeed; particularly because the method of determining where the form will post to is the same for all of the tabs, so if the others are working it is odd why another would not.

    Do you have a cache plugin installed or is there any server level caching?

    Thread Starter MikSuperiorInternet


    Hi Chad,

    Thanks very much for the reply. There is no caching plugin installed and I have verified that the server does not using any caching. I’m at a loss also, it just didn’t make sense that one tab would behave that way, but the other tabs work perfectly fine. This is a bit of a rush job for a client, so I ended up adapting the s2 plugin instead of yours, but I would much rather use yours. My client doesn’t need all the payment stuff that comes with the s2 plugin, and yours was exactly the solution they needed. I have a little time if we can get it working, but if not I have a backup in place.


    Hi Chad,

    I also have this problem now. I have been using for a couple of years without problems. I recently realised I was getting no moderations emails. On checking WP-Members Options, all expect the Block Posts check boxes were unchecked – i.e. they had been changed. As in Mik’s case the update returns a not found.

    It seems to have started in October 2013 (it is a small membership with not much change.

    Your help would be much appreciated

    site is

    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    This has been one of those rare occurrences that up until know I have not been able to specifically track down. However, in working with a couple of the premium support customers at, we were able to figure it out.

    On the hosts in question I was able to find that in both cases, the form submission was being blocked by ModSecurity. This would be something that you would need your host to check into, and if that is the case, whitelist appropriately.

    Thread Starter MikSuperiorInternet


    Hi Chad,

    I haven’t verified your fix as I don’t have the plugin installed, but I did want to pop back in and say that I greatly appreciate your time and effort into providing a solution.

    Best regards,


    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    No problem – hopefully ModSecurity is what it turns out to be for you as well. But I do think that is probably the issue for you as your symptoms are exactly the same as the two users I mentioned.

    Good Luck!

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