red scan error (error HTTP response: 100)
So i do receive an scan error after the Plugins and Themes are detected.
First error (solved)
[Feb 08 20:13:55:1391883235.843357:1:error] <br /> <font size='1'><table class='xdebug-error xe-fatal-error' dir='ltr' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'> <tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#f57900' colspan="5"><span style='background-color: #cc0000; color: #fce94f; font-size: x-large;'>( ! )</s
Btw. this error corrupts the “Scan” page (everything below – that is “Docs: …” and “Issues” tabs – has/have been moved inside to “Scan Detailed Activity”)
Of course i checked FAQ: Red Error, Not completing, aren’t of any help cause there is no file referenced or any error indicator given. On
scan won’t finish – well i tried to set it to 15 and 24 as 30 is my current limit.
Problematic Plugins are not installed.
Feature not working So i have disabled all other plugins. Further i don’t got any other security plugin installed on this wp-install (details see below; .htaccess just has permalinks setting). Java Script Console doesn’t show errors, nor does the site show any problem.
I also checked wordfence’s option to delete tables etc. on deactivation and de/reactivted it to reinitiallize all (and have a working scan page till first scan and refresh page).What i first thought of – i read windows server is not officially supported/might cause problems, well acually i am testing things out – offline with wampserver on win7. That’s where i thought to take a look in the error logs – and found one at php_error.log. Time Exceeded either i tried “15” resp. “24” at option “Maximum execution time for each scan stage”. I changed the setting to 120 at wampservers php.ini and that works now.
Second Error (open)
[Feb 09 09:29:39:1391930979.019494:2:error] Scan terminated with error: We received an error HTTP response when trying to fetch binary data from the Wordfence scanning server: [100]
And this is where i can’t do much anymore as it’s probably not on my side (other logs look fine). Ah – forgott above: all tests pass on “Wordfence connectivity tester”
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