• This is the error i get when installing WP 1.0.2
    [Table ‘jalauno.wp_options’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options
    My host has:
    PHP Version 4.2.2
    MySQL 3.23.58
    Apache/2.0.40 (Red Hat Linux)
    Any ideas or suggestions??
    Due to this error I cannot pass the initial admin login page.

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  • I second this … ! Any info appreciated… will keep looking through past posts!

    If the table doesn’t exist it means you haven’t installed WordPress yet. Run install.php.

    when i run install.php for the first time, i get this in the top of the 1st screen:
    SQL/DB Error:
    [Table ‘wordpress.wp_options’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options

    well , i tried the latest nightbuild and now the table eror gone… but still i cant login!!!

    I get the same error.
    1. cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
    2. Edit it appropriately and save
    3. Go to website and am told install.php has not run yet. I click it and get:
    SQL/DB Error:
    [Table ‘wordpress.wp_options’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options

    (I posted the above anonymously)
    I pushed through the steps for the install just fine. The error goes away after step 3 or so once the DB is setup. I was able to login and I see no more errors.

    I ran into this and took a look at the code. Ignore the errors – they are just warnings, merely confirming that WP is not installed in the database you are working with — kinda silly to report *good* errors when infact all they are are confirmations that everything is going well.

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