• crazykillerbunny


    Trying to setup the CDN for my site. I have create the cloudfront account and added the keys. I’ve created the distribution

    However when I click the ‘test cloudfront distribution’ I get ‘Error: Unable to list distributions (S3::listDistributions(): [RequestExpired] Request has expired.’

    Any ideas. The CDN seems to be working as the images have the cloudfront CDN address.


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  • bcw00


    Seems the test thingy is broken. I’ve seen hundreds of reports where the test either times out with Cloudfront or just hangs with other servers. I used MaxCDN and I’m now with EdgeCast and both hung. However according to reports on my CDN’s end, cached content is being delivered as a it should and the URLs also reflect it.

    Will Mayall


    The CDN test button for Cloudfront has worked perfectly and accurately on the sites where I’ve used it.

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