• Hi Folks,

    Before the codex site was redone (pre WP 2.0) there was this excellent doc on ‘how to install WP on IIS’ I have been looking very hard to find it and have been unsuccessful.

    Can you please help me find it ? It had the whole nine yards on PHP, ISAPI, and MYSQL.

    Thanks and regards,
    apologies if i am posting in the wrong section

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  • Also look at the related threads under this profile:

    Thread Starter scharique


    Thanks Michael. I did come acrosss that and unfortunately it only talks about a few issues with IIS. I have used the search option to its best ability and I cant find the doc that walks you thru installing and the tweaks for IIS.

    I hope someone has it bookmarked

    Thread Starter scharique


    Thanks. Found elsewhere


    You have to download the latest Versions of MySQL and PHP.


    * Download the latest “MySQL Essential installer (MSI) package” from:



    * Download the latest version of PHP from: Make sure you download the .zip archive, not the Windows installer! The installer doesn’t help preparing the IIS anyway and misses invaluable .dll files like php-gettext


    Installing MySQL

    The default Setting of the MySQL Installer are mostly good, but there are some important things:

    * Make sure you set a root password!
    * On screen 8 of the installer choose “Transactional”

    Setting up the Database

    In this guide we use “gallery2” as the databasename for your gallery, you can choose another if you want.

    * Start the MySQL Command Line Client

    Start Menu -> MySQL -> MySQL Server 4.1 -> MySQL Command Line Client

    * Enter your root password (defined during install of MySQL) and press “Enter”

    * Create a database for your gallery. Enter the following statement and press “Enter”.

    CREATE DATABASE gallery2;

    * Create a user for accessing the database. Replace “yourPasswordHere” with a password of your choice. Enter the following statement and press “Enter”.

    GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO ‘gallery2’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘yourPasswordHere’;

    * Grant the created user rights on your new database. Enter the following statement and press “Enter”.

    GRANT SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE , CREATE , DROP , ALTER ON gallery2 . * TO ‘gallery2’@’localhost’;

    * Leave the MySQL Command Line Client. Enter the following statement and press “Enter”.


    Installing PHP.

    The path used for PHP is just an example, you can choose another if you want.

    * Extract the archive in C:\PHP (Rename it if necessary)

    * Rename C:\PHP\php.ini-recommended to C:\PHP\PHP.INI

    Configure the Session directory

    * Open C:\PHP\PHP.INI

    Make sure you remove the initial semicolons!

    * Find

    ;session.save_path = “/tmp”

    replace it with

    session.save_path = “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP”

    * Find

    ; **You CAN safely turn this off for IIS, in fact, you MUST.**
    ; cgi.force_redirect = 1

    replace it with

    ; **You CAN safely turn this off for IIS, in fact, you MUST.**
    cgi.force_redirect = 0

    Configure PHP extensions

    * Find

    ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
    extension_dir = “./”

    replace it with

    ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
    extension_dir = “C:\PHP\EXT”

    If you can’t find “extension_dir” in your C:\PHP\PHP.INI file, add it to the bottom of the file.
    MySQL extension

    As Gallery 2 uses a database to store it’s metadata, you need to enable database support in PHP. This guide uses MySQL, but the procedure would be similar for Postgres or Oracle.

    * Find


    replace it with


    Gettext extension

    * In order to make the localization of g2 (multi-language) work you need the gettext extension of php. This can be enabled in php.ini. G2 does hint you for that. However gettext is a little strange extension.

    * Find


    replace it with


    But now comes the crux. php_gettext.dll is depending on \php-install-dir\dll\iconv.dll All other extensions work flawlessly for me. But gettext.dll required me to put iconv.dll into a dir that is included in the searchpath. E.g. /windows/system32 I then overreacted and copied all dll’s to that /system32 dir. The manual of php 4 tells you to copy the dll’s to the /php-install-dir/ but that only works if you add manually the php dir into the path statement of windows.
    GD2 extension

    Find the extension in your php.ini and remove the # in front of the line ;extension=php_gd2.dll

    * Find


    replace it with


    PHP.INI key values

    Changing key php.ini values to suit the bigger demands of G2: The following values should be working for most of the gallery users. The max times have been upped just as a precaution. But I think that G2 overrides them anyway.

    * Find the following values and set to your needs.

    max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
    max_input_time = 300 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
    memory_limit = 32M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

    Make PHP available to IIS
    Set the system path to include C:\PHP

    * Click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
    * Scroll down the System Variables (bottom window) and doubeclick on the PATH variable
    * Add the following to the end (make sure you add the initial semicolin)


    * Click OK

    Make PHP.INI available to PHP

    * While you still have the Environment variables window open click new
    * In the Variable Name field enter


    * Set the Variable Value to


    This will make PHP.INI available to PHP (We will verify this later)
    Configuring IIS

    You have a choice of whether to setup PHP to use the ISAPI extension, CGI executable, or using FastCGI. The ISAPI extension is not fully stable, and the CGI executable’s performance is very poor because after every request the php-cgi.exe executable is unloaded. So if the php-cgi.exe executable is always loaded into memory then that would greatly increase the performance. There are two ways of doing this.
    1. Spend $500 for Zend’s own WinEnabler [1]
    2. Setup the free FastCGI program that does the same thing as WinEnabler

    The recommended way of running PHP on IIS is using FastCGI. Below you will find instructions on how to setup PHP using ISAPI but if your site is going to serve lots of pages, you will probably want to go with FastCGI.
    Add the PHP ISAPI extension to IIS Web Service Extensions

    * Click on Start -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
    * Expand the local computer in the left pane
    * Click on “Web Service Extensions” in the left pane
    * In the right pane, click the blue underlined text, “Add a new Web service extension…”
    * Enter “PHP5 ISAPI” as the “Extension name”
    * Click the “Add…” button and browse to the php5isapi.dll file in your C:\PHP install directory
    * Click Open -> OK
    * Check the “Set extension status to Allowed” checkbox and click “OK”

    Adding the PHP parsing to your IIS website

    Note: You can add this either on the top-level Web Sites or to individual web sites beneath it. If you add it to the top-level web sites node in the left pane, it applies to all websites on the IIS instance. You can also choose to only install it on specific websites beneath the top-level node, in that case it will only apply to that site. The procedure for adding is the same for both scopes.

    Be careful when applying this to the top-level node, as it will override settings defined in the individual websites beneath it.

    * In the left pane, expand Web Sites
    * Right Click the website you want to configure, and select properties
    * Open the Home Directory tab
    * Click Configuration
    * Then go to the Mappings tab
    * Click Add…
    * Enter the full path to php5isapi.dll in the “Executable” textbox or click the Browse button to browse your way to it. If you have followed the path recommendations in this guide, the fill path should be C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll
    * Enter .php in the Extension textbox
    * Select Limit to, enter GET,POST,HEAD
    * Click OK and verify that .PHP is now included in the Application extensions listbox
    * Click OK

    This configures IIS to understand what to do with files ending with .php
    Adding scripting permissions

    * While still having the Web Site Properties dialog box open, click Home Directory
    * Make sure that “Execute permissions” dropdown is set to “Scripts only”.
    * Click OK

    Setting up FastCGI

    A good set of instructions for setting up FastCGI can be found here [2]. The basics are below.

    * Make sure you have PHP 4.3.x or later installed. Earlier versions of PHP require extra work to get FastCGI working.

    * Download the files at [3] and unpack isapi_fcgi.dll to c:\php\isapi_fcgi.dll.

    * Create a file using notepad named fastcgi.reg and insert the following text into it

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00









    * Double click the file you just created to merge those settings into the registry.

    * Next setup FastCGI the same way as you would the ISAPI filter, except everywhere you see C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll you should replace that with C:\PHP\isapi_fcgi.dll

    Testing PHP Installation

    * In the left pane, right-click on the website you are working with and select Properties
    * Then go to Home Directory
    * Check the Local Path. This shows you were that websites root directory is located (If you are working with the default IIS website, the location will be C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\)
    * Create a new file called test.php in that location
    * The contents of test.php should be:

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>

    Now, you need to give the anonymous internet user account and NETWORK SERVICE account read/execute permissions on the C:\PHP directory, to allow IIS to parse the .PHP files. You do this by

    * Perform this for both the IUSR and NETWORK SERVICE accounts
    * Open My Computer
    * Right-click C:\PHP
    * Select Properties’
    * Go to the Security tab
    * Click Add
    * In the Enter object names to select textbox, enter IUSR
    * Click Check Names and it should expand it to NETWORK SERVICE/IUSR_ServerName
    * Click OK’
    * Verify that the Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read values are set to Read.
    * Click OK’

    Open the test.php file via your browser, example: https://www.example.com/test.php

    A page showing your PHP configuration settings should now appear. If not, make sure you have followed ALL the steps outlined earlier in the guide.

    Verify that PHP uses C:\PHP\PHP.ini by looking at the column for Configuration File (php.ini) Path Also, verify that MySQL support is loaded, and that the session_save.path is set to the correct values. If not, edit C:\PHP\PHP.ini again, set the values as outlined and then restart the IIS Web Service (IIS Manager->Right Click <servername>(Local computer)->All Tasks->Restart IIS).

    After you have verified your PHP install, delete the test.php file from your website.

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