• kimjongfeel


    I found this code. It can call related keyword or lsi keyword from Google.

    $contentstring = @file_get_contents("https://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&q=".urlencode($word3)); 
    $content = @simplexml_load_string($contentstring );
    	foreach($content->CompleteSuggestion as $c) {
    		$term = (string) $c->suggestion->attributes()->data;
    	echo '<u>'.$term.'</u>, ' ;
    echo '</p>';

    I try to change it to function.php but I have low skill. (I’m a musician T^T)

    Can you covert it to wordpress plugin with shortcode like “Related Youtube Video Plugin”, your great plugin ??

    This code will help people make a great On-Page SEO.


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