• Hi Friends,
    this plugins works perfectly and is very complete !
    And i would like to share an idea : what about associating tags to a portfolio “article” ?

    Imagine : we could class each projects in this portfolio in catgeories which we use as a menu, as it is already the case, AND we could associate each of them with tags.

    Example : the project called “myWebsite” would be classed in the “webdesign” category, and we could assiciate to it the recurrent tags “html5”, “css3”, “php”, “js”, “UXinterface”, “drawing”, “wordpress”, “responsiv design” and etc…

    But i would like some help to do such a thing. have you any idea how to do such a thing ?

    Thanks !


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  • Thread Starter guillaumedeschamps


    I FOUND A WAY !!!

    In the find the file “wp-content/plugins/otw-portfolio-light/otw-portfolio-light.php”

    Find the line :
    ” ‘taxonomies’ => array( ‘otw-portfolio-category’), “

    and transform to
    ” ‘taxonomies’ => array( ‘otw-portfolio-category’, ‘post_tag’ ),”

    Inconvenient :
    The tags will be saved in the same table as the articles’ tags. Is it really a problem ? i don’t know… The thing is that my website will host my portfolio AND my blog. What is the clever practice to do ?

    thanks for you advices.

    Thread Starter guillaumedeschamps


    You must change the loop which shows the filters on the page ‘otw-prtfolio-filterable.php’

    <?php $taxo = get_object_taxonomies( 'otw-portfolio' );
                        foreach ( $taxo as $tax_name ) {
                            $categories = get_categories('taxonomy='.$tax_name);
    						if ($tax_name == "otw-portfolio-category"){
    							$i = 0; $len = count( $categories );
    							foreach ($categories as $category) {
    								if ($i == 0) { ?><ul class="otw-portfolio-filter"> <li class="all"><a href="#"><?php _e( 'All', 'otw_pfl' ); ?></a></li> <?php }
    									echo '<li class="'.$category->category_nicename.'"><span class="separator">/</span><a href="#">'.$category->cat_name.'</a></li>';
    								if ($i == $len - 1) { echo '</ul>'; }

    @guillaumedeschamps Your code snippets worked perfectly for me. Glad to have tagging now since categories don’t always apply. Thanks for posting.

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