I’ve just reinstalled it and then replaced the files from the plugin folder with the ones from:
…the development version.
Then cleared the check box under settings for:
Photo albums on blog page
and saved the changes.
Go to Photo Albums | Add new (there are currently no albums)
Enter a title for the album
Select ‘Add one or more photos’ button
Click on one image to select it.
Click the ‘Select image(s) button
Album then shows as having one image as selected.
Navigate to a post, click into the post and select the insert album button on the toolbar of the editor.
Insert an album dialog box opens but it says no albums found.
Close the dialog.
Click on Photo Albums in the left menu bar
Shows one Album labelled with correct title but ‘draft’
Click on ‘edit’ the album
Album opens but contains no images.
Checked the settings to make sure I had actually cleared the check box for ‘Photo albums on blog page’ – yes, okay.
Two questions:
1. Am I missing something obvious as to why the album does not retain images?
2. Why does the album show as draft and with options to publish?
What I want to do is create an album and then add it to an existing blog entry.
When I tried this before upgrading wordpress to 3.8.1 it was fine (previous version was 3.6.1).
Thanks for your help.