• Resolved aspirenetwork


    I am trying to install cyanbackup on my third site now but as the problem in 2nd site, I am also experiencing now in 3rd website. Now I am getting this error:

    ERROR: Archive directory (“%s”) is not writable!

    I have ensured, the directory is writable but still I get this error. Any solution is appreciated. Thank you!


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  • Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Go in to cyan-backup/includes/page-options.php, assuming your using the V1.3, then on line 114 you’ll see:

    $notes[] = array( "<strong>". __('ERROR: Archive directory ("%s") is not writable!', $this->textdomain)."</strong>", 2);

    Replace it with:

    $notes[] = array( "<strong>". sprintf(__('ERROR: Archive directory ("%s") is not writable!', $this->textdomain), $realpath)."</strong>", 2);

    This won’t fix the error, but it will validate what directory you are trying to write to.

    The “not writable” error only comes up if a test file can’t be written to the directory. Double check the directory is writable by the web server.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    No response from the original poster so I’m marking this thread as resolved.

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