• Resolved atao


    Better WordPress reCAPTCHA v. 1.1.0
    Contact Form 7 reCAPTCHA extension v. 0.1.0
    Contact Form 7 v. 3.7
    Wordpress v. 3.7.1

    The current bwp-recaptcha-fr_FR.po provided with the plugin is for v. 1.0.2: some labels are not included in it.
    As the bwp-recaptcha.pot provided is for v. 1.1.0, I tried to update with it the bwp-recaptcha-fr_FR.po. But then the plugin header labels were removed!
    It seems there were directly added in the .po file.

    So the next step was to generate a new .pot file with wordpress-i18_tools’ makepot.
    But now two labels are missing :
    – includes/class-bwp-recaptcha-cf7.php, ligne 110 : “Please refer to […]”
    – includes/class-bwp-framework.php, ligne 211 : “Donate to “

    Each time, it’s a concatenate label: makepot is unable to catch such label.

    To keep makedot happy, we need something like:

    – includes/class-bwp-recaptcha-cf7.php, ligne 110 :

    <?php $cust_doc_url = __('https://betterwp.net/wordpress-plugins/bwp-recaptcha/#customization', self::$_domain);
    					printf(__('Please refer to <a target="_blank" href="%s">BWP reCAPTCHA\'s documentation </a> for a quick guide on how to customize the look and feel of this tag.', self::$_domain), $cust_doc_url); ?>

    – includes/class-bwp-framework.php, ligne 211:

    <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php printf(__('Donate to %s', $this->plugin_dkey),  $this->plugin_title); ?>" />


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