Too many queries??? >150.000 queries/user and hour???
this is very serious.
I am establishing a page. We are working with 2 persons to put in content and add forums.
Sometimes there comes the message from wp-admin/install.php and no page is more reachable!
I had contact with the provider and he tolds me, that this comes from WordPress because I made within 1 hour too much queries to the database! More than 150.000 queries/user and hour!
Is this correct? That wordpress throws the install.php?
I also just optimized the tables…
Please give me an info!!!!! Thanks in forward!!!!!
installes and active plugins:
(as I had in mind, because I cannot reach my site…)
Erident Custom Login
Advanced Custom fields
WP-DB Manager
Visitor statistic (don′t know the name)
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