• eriw03


    I recently did a wordpress update alongside updating background manager to the newest version.

    Everything seems to work properly, with the exception of the background overlay:
    It doesn’t show up.

    Secondly: The full screen option (which I always used) doesn’t work too!

    I am using the newest version of the Custom Community Theme.

    Would someone able to help me out?

    Thanks in advance!

    My website is located here:



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  • Thread Starter eriw03


    Debug info:

    debug information:

    Generated On: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 10:11:58 GMT
    Background Manager Version:
    Memory Usage: 41.53 Mbytes peak, 41.43 Mbytes current
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    Upload Limits: WordPress: 40 Mbytes – PHP: 40 Mbytes filesize (40 Mbytes POST size)
    WordPress Version: 3.8.1
    Active WordPress Plugins: ‘Add Meta Tags’ by George Notaras, version 2.4.3; ‘Akismet’ by Automattic, version 2.5.9; ‘Anti-spam’ by webvitaly, version 2.1; ‘Awesome Flickr Gallery’ by Ronak Gandhi, version 3.3.6; ‘Background Manager’ by Mike Green (Myatu), version; ‘EP Social Widget’ by Mattias Hedman, version 1.4.0; ‘Facebook Comments for WordPress’ by we8u, version 3.1.3; ‘FBF – Facebook Page Feed Widget’ by Lakshmanan PHP, version 1.2.1; ‘Flickr Photo Post’ by Michael Jentsch, version 1.2.3; ‘Flickr Set Slideshows’ by Marie Manandise, MAJWeb, version 0.7; ‘Google Analyticator’ by Video User Manuals Pty Ltd, version; ‘Google Analytics Analyze’ by Perberoglou Kwstas, version 1.0; ‘iiRe Social Icons’ by iiRe Productions, version 1.6.1; ‘Jetpack by WordPress.com’ by Automattic, version 2.8; ‘mb.miniAudioPlayer’ by Pupunzi (Matteo Bicocchi), version 1.4.6; ‘No Page Comment’ by Seth Alling, version 1.0.2; ‘On The Fly YouTube Embeds’ by Joe Anzalone, version 1.1.3; ‘Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu’ by Ozh, version 3.6.7; ‘Share’ by Nikos Soulliotis, version 1.8; ‘Sliding Youtube Gallery’ by webeng, version 1.5.4; ‘SoundCloud Shortcode’ by SoundCloud Inc., version 2.3; ‘wp-flickr-press’ by Tatsuya Fukata, Alexander Ovsov, version 1.9.15; ‘WP-Latest Video Widget’ by Radu Lucian, version 1.70; ‘Youtube Channel Gallery’ by Javier Gómez Pose, version 1.8.6; ‘Youtube with Style’ by Chris McCoy, version 10.0
    Active WordPress Theme: Custom Community
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    Object Cache: WordPress Default
    Home URL: https://www.erwinvanasperen.nl
    Site URL: https://www.erwinvanasperen.nl
    PHP Version: 5.4.24
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    Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.73.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.1 Safari/537.73.11
    Server Software: Apache/2
    Server OS: FreeBSD dionysos.ermis.nl 8.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE #2: Fri Jul 27 21:36:28 CEST 2012 [email protected]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
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    pf4wp APC Enabled: No
    Remote JS Console Enabled: No
    Template Cache Directory: Writeable
    Template Engine Version: Twig 1.13.2

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