• itsrafa


    I’m using the date picker on one of my sites and it works like a charm on Chrome. Firefox and IE on the other hand only give me a blank field which results in incorrect date format for most people filling up the form. I have the date field on default settings. Used the tag generator and the only thing I changed was check the required field box. Need help!


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  • Did you ever get this figured out itsrafa?

    I’m not using the contact form 7 plugin, but I have an HTML form installed on a WordPress page that has some date fields on it. I have the same problem where the datepicker drop-down only works in chrome when the form is hosted on a WordPress page. When I host the form elsewhere, the datepicker works across all browsers, so there is definitely something going on in WordPress that is preventing it from loading.

    Anybody else experiencing this? If I didn’t have to have the form hosted on WordPress I would just host it elsewhere and be done with it, but it is kind of essential that the form be hosted in WordPress. Any help would be appreciated!

    Bugger I am having same problems and I was hoping this would be a great option using Contact 7 and WordPress and trying to make a booking page for a BnB anyone got any other ideas?

    UPDATE it is working!! just did not have it setup right this code words

    [date date-360 date-format:dd/mm/yy min-date:2014-12-26 max-date:2020-12-26 year-range:2014-2020 months:12 first-day:0 change-month change-year buttons inline]

    Would be good to have a few standard ones ready to go!

    Glad you got it working newzealandnz… mine ended up being a theme issue.

    I lie ended up not working now trying to get Contact 7 Date Tag working all I am looking for is a Arrival Departure Date Picker! I can get any Calendars to show!!

    My booking page https://www.glenmac.co.nz/make-a-booking/

    <p>Arrival Date (required)
    [date* date-208 id:DateArrival step:1 “dd/mm/yyyy”]</p>

    <p>Departure Date (required)
    [date* date-209 id:DateDeparture step:2 “dd/mm/yyyy”]</p>

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