• cadeauwerkplaats


    WordPress version 3.81
    Polylang version 1.4.2

    I work for it for months already and it’s a fantastic and good working plugin.
    However, suddenly out of the blue I am confronted with a fatal error which makes it impossible to open frontend and backend of my WordPress site.
    I know a bit of php, but not enough to solve this without clear instructions what to do and where to do it.
    So, I hope somebody can help me rather fast.

    Fatal error message is:
    Fatal error: PLL_Model::_languages_list(): The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "PLL_Language" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /home/content/p3nexnas03/94/2061094/html/wp-content/plugins/polylang/include/model.php on line 194

    I opened the php file in Dreamweaver and line 194 tells me:

    It seems the flags are not loaded, perhaps? However, till now everything functioned fine, no problem at all. But I changed the host. I’m at GoDaddy now, but there it showed up correct too for a few weeks and suddenly not anymore.

    I don’t know how to ad an autoload function and where to ad that.
    I don’t know either if that would solve all the problems.

    I hope somebody can help me,


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  • Plugin Author Chouby


    It seems that some data has been corrupted in your DB. I hope you have access to it. Look for the entry _transient_pll_languages_list in the table wp_options and delete it.

    Before you delete it could you post the value field here? I would like to see the content. Maybe it will help to protect against this situation.



    Hi, I’m having the same message on my website after working on it for several weeks… I tried looking for this entry “transient_pll_languages_list” but I can’t find it…
    I need some help please!


    Plugin Author Chouby


    That’s not “transient_pll_languages_list” but “_transient_pll_languages_list”

    Thread Starter cadeauwerkplaats


    Hi Chouby,
    thanks for your answer.
    Here is the info I found in wp_option concerning Polylang.
    I’m scared to delete it, but will save a copy for you never know.

    I hope this info will help you to make this fantastic plugin even better.

    Option name /option value:

    active_plugins/ a:33:{i:0;s:21:”polylang/polylang.php”;i:1;s:33:”

    a:14 {s:7:”browser”;i:1;s:7:”rewrite”;i:1;s:12:”hide_default”;i:1;s:10:”force_lang”;i:0;s:13:”redirect_lang”;i:0;s:13:”media_support”;i:1;s:4:”sync”;a:11:{i:0;s:10:”taxonomies”;i:1;s:9:”post_meta”;i:2;s:14:”comment_status”;i:3;s:11:”ping_status”;i:4;s:12:”sticky_posts”;i:5;s:9:”post_date”;i:6;s:11:”post_format”;i:7;s:11:”post_parent”;i:8;s:17:”_wp_page_template”;i:9;s:10:”menu_order”;i:10;s:13:”_thumbnail_id”;}s:10:”post_types”;a:7:{i:0;s:6:”funder”;i:1;s:10:”pec-events”;i:2;s:16:”wpsc_cart_orders”;i:3;s:9:”portfolio”;i:4;s:11:”testimonial”;i:5;s:11:”price_table”;i:6;s:7:”gallery”;}s:10:”taxonomies”;a:7:{i:0;s:19:”pec_events_category”;i:1;s:7:”ngg_tag”;i:2;s:18:”portfolio-category”;i:3;s:13:”portfolio-tag”;i:4;s:20:”testimonial-category”;i:5;s:20:”price-table-category”;i:6;s:14:”media_category”;}s:7:”domains”;a:4:{s:2:”nl”;s:0:””;s:2:”fr”;s:0:””;s:2:”en”;s:0:””;s:2:”de”;s:0:””;}s:7:”version”;s:5:”1.4.2″;s:12:”default_lang”;s:2:”nl”;s:7:”widgets”;a:2:{s:10:”polylang-2″;s:1:”0″;s:12:”categories-3″;s:1:”0″;}s:9:”nav_menus”;a:1:{s:8:”willemgs”;a:1:{s:9:”main_menu”;a:4:{s:2:”nl”;i:2;s:2:”en”;i:236;s:2:”fr”;i:464;s:2:”de”;i:762;}}}}



    Plugin Author Chouby


    The _transient_pll_languages_list contains inconsistent values. Is it exactly what you have in db? Did you modify manually the site url ? Directly in db or just here before posting it?

    It is perfectly safe to delete _transient_pll_languages_list as it is just a cache to avoid evaluating its content at each page load. So if not present it is just re-evaluated and saved again.

    Thread Starter cadeauwerkplaats


    Hi Chouby,
    I changed the url in this messagebox, so that wasn’t in the code.
    I deleted the file, however now the message comes back each time while I’m uploading images.
    So, it seems it makes the same mistake over and over again when it makes a new file.
    Can you see what is wrong about it because then I can change it manually and maybe it is solve then.

    Plugin Author Chouby


    Did the issue change? In your first post, I read:

    I am confronted with a fatal error which makes it impossible to open frontend and backend of my WordPress site

    and now:

    the message comes back each time while I’m uploading images.

    Could you tell me what is your current PHP version and what was the PHP version of your previous host?

    Plugin Author Chouby


    I noticed an issue with an old version of PHP (I tested PHP 5.2.4, the oldest supported by WP). Not exactly the same as you, but it could be linked to your problem. I fixed it. Maybe it will work for you too. Could you test the development version?


    I set up today account at GoDaddy and I came across the same issue with the current stable version and then development version from the link above. Unfortunately I don’t know how to check which PHP version GoDaddy uses.
    I also noticed that this problem never comes up when I’m logged in to WP and it intermittent (but relatively easy to reproduce) when accessing WP site anonymously.

    I also have the same issue and i’m also on GoDaddy (managed wordpress).
    Latest WP, latest polylang and, I assume, not an old version of PHP.

    Here’s the content of _transient_pll_languages_list

    a:2:{i:0;O:12:"PLL_Language":17:{s:7:"term_id";i:2;s:4:"name";s:7:"English";s:4:"slug";s:2:"en";s:10:"term_group";s:1:"1";s:16:"term_taxonomy_id";i:2;s:8:"taxonomy";s:8:"language";s:11:"description";s:5:"en_US";s:6:"parent";s:1:"0";s:5:"count";i:5;s:10:"tl_term_id";i:3;s:19:"tl_term_taxonomy_id";i:3;s:8:"tl_count";i:1;s:6:"locale";R:9;s:6:"is_rtl";s:1:"0";s:5:"mo_id";N;s:10:"search_url";s:31:"https://hmroads.com/language/en/";s:8:"home_url";s:31:"https://hmroads.com/language/en/";}i:1;O:12:"PLL_Language":17:{s:7:"term_id";i:4;s:4:"name";s:16:"Latvie?u valoda";s:4:"slug";s:2:"lv";s:10:"term_group";s:1:"2";s:16:"term_taxonomy_id";i:4;s:8:"taxonomy";s:8:"language";s:11:"description";s:2:"lv";s:6:"parent";s:1:"0";s:5:"count";i:4;s:10:"tl_term_id";i:5;s:19:"tl_term_taxonomy_id";i:5;s:8:"tl_count";i:1;s:6:"locale";R:26;s:6:"is_rtl";s:1:"0";s:5:"mo_id";N;s:10:"search_url";s:31:"https://hmroads.com/language/lv/";s:8:"home_url";s:31:"https://hmroads.com/language/lv/";}}

    Well, now that i’ve copied it here, I’ll try and delete it ??

    Plugin Author Chouby



    The content of _transient_pll_languages_list looks good. So the database shouldn’t be corrupted. So the problem may come from the PHP version or some server configuration I ignore.

    Plugin Author Chouby


    I just released Polylang 1.5.3. With this version, you should disable the problematic code by setting:

    define('PLL_CACHE_LANGUAGES', false);

    in wp-config.php. So there will be no more need to modify the plugin code in the future.
    This will remain an option as it slightly decreases the performance of Polylang and works as is for most users.

    Hi Chouby,

    I’m getting intermittent fatal errors as well:
    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class as array in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas05_data03/05/2268205/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3006

    These errors happens only for anonymous users. They never happen when I’m logged in as an admin.

    I added the define(‘PLL_CACHE_LANGUAGES’, false); setting in wp-config.php but it does not solve the problem.

    The host is MediaTemple Premium WordPress, which implements 4 layers of caching (Varnish, Memcached, PHP APC, and storage L2 caching). It seems to be related to caching.

    The site is fairly simple with only 3 other plugins activated (Yoast SEO, Yoast Analytics and TinyMCE Advanced)…. so no conflict there as far as I know.

    Any ideas?

    Some additional infos:

    – I’m using 1.5.6 on WordPress 4.0.

    – I have disabled also the Detect languages (as per another thread post)… seems to help to reduce the occurency of the fatal errors, but they still happen.

    Plugin Author Chouby



    Did you put

    define('PLL_CACHE_LANGUAGES', false);


    /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

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