• Resolved Tamas


    I have been trying for a few days with no success to remove comments from my site (even the “No Comments”)

    I dont’t want to use comments for most of the posts now, and I would prefer seing nothing at the bottom.

    I have read the documentation found here, looked at previous posts, tried “smart comments” plugin, played forhours with the different files, so far nothing worked. All the previous posts have the annoying “no Comment” at the end. Can anyone help in resolving this?

    Similar issue: How can I edit the “Posted in…” message. Tried this in index.php – did not work either.

    Thank you very much!

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  • This thread might help.. Umm, some of threads in this search result might help too. Good luck!

    Similar issue: How can I edit the “Posted in…” message. Tried this in index.php – did not work either.

    A link to the blog might help.. ?? I’m not sure what theme you’re using and such, might help us to have a URL to the blog in question? =)


    Thread Starter Tamas


    Thank you very much! I have read the suggested solutions before I posted this problem – tried them – no success…

    I use the Kubrick (default) theme.

    My blog is at: https://www.palyazatihirek.eu

    All I would like to do is to make the “comments off” and the Posted in….” disappear…

    Thank you for any further suggestions! Tamas

    I found this code in my index.php file under my current theme (wp-content\themes\themename\index.php):

    <p class="postmetadata">Posted in
    <?php the_category(', ') ?>
    <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '', ' | '); ?>
    <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?>

    If I comment that code out like this:

    <!-- <p class="postmetadata">Posted in
    <?php the_category(', ') ?>
    <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '', ' | '); ?>
    <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?>
    </p> -->

    I no longer get Posted by, edit, or comments text at the bottom of my posts. Hope that helps

    Thread Starter Tamas


    Thank you!

    this seems hopeless… it does not work. I deleted the whole section in index.php as

    <!– <p class=”postmetadata”>Posted in
    <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?>
    <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit’, ”, ‘ | ‘); ?>
    <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments ?’, ‘1 Comment ?’, ‘% Comments ?’); ?>

    But it still appears: “Posted in..” and “Comments off”

    Does anyone have any further idea? Please… ??

    Are you sure you’re editing the RIGHT theme there boss? Can you paste your THEME file here: https://wordpress.pastebin.ca and post the link to it, back here please? Choose PHP as the Content Type..

    Please note: Do this for BOTH, the INDEX.PHP and SINGLE.PHP most likely..


    Unless things have changed…. you need to be editing the single.php…. editing the index.php will only take care of the front page. To modify the page where the posts are, edit the single.php.

    OMFG! TG posted here!! ?? =) Thank god! *Cough* “We” thought you were dead or something lol! =P Nah, just kidding.. =P Um, yeah..like TechGnome said, the SINGLE.PHP file should be the one edited.. ??


    Thread Starter Tamas


    Thank you!

    https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/208009 – index.php of default theme (kubrick)

    https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/208012 – single.php

    Can you please suggest what to modify?

    Thread Starter Tamas


    I managed to throw out “comments off”. I had to delete it in the wp-includes/comment-functions.php.

    That part is OK.

    I cannot get rid of “posted in: categoryname”. I even deleted the index.php in my default theme library… The pages are still running with the Posted in messages. How is that pssible? After hours of search again, no clue…

    Thread Starter Tamas


    Finally it works. Sorry… I did not refresh from the server… My misery is solved now ?? Thanks for all the help!



    Thread Starter Tamas


    NO – it does not. On the front page it was ok, but not on the rest. I tried single.php – I cannot do it again… even with refreshing from the server like a madman.

    Thread Starter Tamas


    Resolved: Single.php did not matter. I had to modify archive.php at <p class=”postmetadata”> in the theme library.

    Sorry I wasn’t around earlier… was offline taking care of “home life” business.. Umm, glad to see you fixed it yourself though.. nice work! ?? =)




    I’m having trouble using the methods listed in this post to get rid of “comments off.” In WP 2.1 there is no wp-includes/comment-functions.php only comment.php, comment-template.php, and functions.php. I can’t find anything about “comments off” in any of these files. I’ve also tried various edits of index.php and I can’t seem to get rid of the “comments off”. Does anyone know how to do this in WP 2.1?



    I’m having the same problem at aaylnx

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