• FelixHalim


    1. a.What’s the difference between tag and category??
    b. how to make a page based on category/tag.??
    2. How to add fontawesome icon into blog heading and blog name ???
    example i want to add “fa-facebook acebook” so the f is the icon and then acebook is just the word..
    3. How to change the folder name on category page into fontawesome icon?? example on the health i want to change the folder icon into fa-medkit


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  • CharlesCA


    Thread Starter FelixHalim


    question 1b solved..

    Web Guru


    these pages are just templates and to make tag based or category based only change in loop is of that particular item we want to. let suppose if you want to tag based you’ll provide your tag in the loop and so posts according to tag will be fetched same for category.

    Thread Starter FelixHalim


    HELP!! for question 1 a and 2 and also 3.. help!!!

    Thread Starter FelixHalim


    Hi – not really understanding why you create two additional threads with the same questions, but I guess it worked as you have my attention! ??

    1a – difference is that a category is… a category which the post belongs to. A tag is more something you add as additional keywords to help search results and more.
    2. Add something like:

    <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>

    Where you want it to show up. You may want to edit /inc/page-title.php with a child theme.

    3) Same here, edit /inc/page-title.php to edit any page title icons.

    Thread Starter FelixHalim


    sorry actually i want to delete the thread.. but i dont know how to do it.. sorry once again ??

    2. i’ve change the blog title / site title but it’s not showing the icon.. it shows the code.. https://matamoe.besaba.com/

    3. need explanation

    2) In functions.php, locate:

    $link = '<a href="'.home_url('/').'" rel="home">'.$logo.'</a>';

    In the alx_site_title function. Change that to for example:

    $link = '<a href="'.home_url('/').'" rel="home">'.$logo.'<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>';

    3) You need to edit /inc/page-title.php and locate this line for archive:

    <?php elseif ( is_category() ): ?>
    <h1><i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i><?php _e('Category:','hueman'); ?> <span><?php echo single_cat_title('', false); ?></span></h1>

    And change folder-open to something else that you want.

    These changes would be done with a child theme – you can read more how to in the theme options help dropdown documentation, under the section “Child Theme”.

    Thread Starter FelixHalim


    2. if i want to put in on the middle of the word..?? example: matam(icon)els
    3. i dont want to change the whole icon for the catego.. ex: for the catego health i want to change it to fa-medkit for the random category i want to change it into fa-bolt and also change the name of the specific category..

    Thread Starter FelixHalim



    4. How to change the subheading into a scrolling (horizontal) text that show latest post take a look at the pic.. like this plugin

    [Moderator Note: No bumping, thank you.]

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