• danelliott


    Hi all,

    im having trouble with a WP site, ive installed a theme thats NOT from here directly but i feel the issue may not be related to the theme.

    the links on my site have dissaperd, not entirely as when hovered over they show up but when in active they are invisible.

    the code i have in the theme CSS is this:

    a {color:#156fb1;font-weight:bold;}
    a:hover {color:#156fb1;	font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;}

    which suggests the links should be the same colour as inactive and hovered on but they are not. which is why i think its a WP issue and not the theme.

    i dont where else to look to find my answer or resolution to this issue

    can anyone offer any advice please

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  • Michael


    CSS generally comes from the theme, or from installed plugins, not from WordPress direct.

    is any formatting for :visited in the stylesheets?

    have you used a browser inspection tool to investigate the formatting of the links?

    please post a link to your site to illustrate the behaviour of the links.

    Thread Starter danelliott


    The theme main style sheet displays this as link formatting:

    /* Links */
    a {color:#156fb1;font-weight:bold;}
    a:hover {color:#156fb1;	font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;}
    a img {	border:0;}

    but the additional style sheet formatting shows the following:

    /* Links */
    a {color:#0088CC;font-weight:bold;}
    a:hover {color:#0088CC;	font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;}
    a img {	border:0;}

    is the only code for links i can find in the styles.css there does not seem to be any formatting for :visited links. when you said that about visited links i thought it may be an issue so cleared my cache and tried again and they still are invisible.

    when i put my site live after a while i get a penalty from Google for hidden links and my site is removed for a period of time. however i will take it out of maintanence mode and let you have a look, the problem i have is in the widget side bar specifically at this time the one titled PSP Scheme Reviews (4.5 / 5) and also in the Recent Blog Posts widget.

    any help would be greatly appreciated

    thank you



    Even if you were to post your entire CSS, it would still be very difficult to see what the problem might be, because we can’t see what web elements you have on your page, and what the order of your CSS is. That’s why alchymyth suggested using a web debugging tool like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools. Just by right-clicking on an element on your web page and selecting Inspect element from the pop-up menu, you can see right away what CSS rules are affecting that particular element. So if you post a link to your site, we can take a look very quickly to see what might be wrong.

    Thread Starter danelliott


    site is HERE

    Thread Starter danelliott


    site is HERE



    OK, you have a plugin called Spider FAQ which has this CSS rule:

    a {
    color: #ffffff;
    text-decoration: none !important;
    cursor: pointer !important;

    So for some strange reason, it’s set your links to white. Try disabling this plugin to see if it fixes your problem. If this plugin is the cause of your problems, you can either:
    1) discontinue use of the plugin.
    2) ask the plugin’s developer to create CSS that’s more specific for the plugin so it doesn’t affect other page elements.
    3) add your own CSS to override the plugin’s CSS.

    Thread Starter danelliott


    OMG, you are an absolute super star. that worked.

    im so greatful for your help. how on earth did you know that?



    Like I said earlier, just use one of the web debugging tools and you can see exactly what CSS affects each element. And if you understand CSS, you can write your own rules to override the rules you want to replace.

    Thread Starter danelliott


    Just noticed something else that disabling that plug in has done, if you look at the capture form at the top its now out of line. dont suppose you have any ideas for that problem do you?



    It looks okay to me. Can you be more specific about what “out of line” means?



    The bottom part of the form at the top of the sidebar is cut off.



    Hmm, that’s weird. Now the fields show up in their entirety, but the bottom two fields are misaligned, and the submit button creeps up into the form. I’ll have to look at it a little later, when I get into the office.

    Thread Starter danelliott


    well ive just changed the text and shortend it from the word “number” to the symbol # and the annual income to income P/A so thats aligned it better now.



    Looks OK on Internet Explorer and Firefox, but on Chrome, the heading for the last field, Full Postcode, is still wrapping, making it drop lower than House #. If you just slightly decrease the font size to 90%, that should take care of the wrapping without impairing the legibility. I don’t know how you enter your custom CSS, but you can try adding this rule:

    #cformsform ol {
       font-size: 90%;

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